Chapter Six

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S C A R L E T T 

"Can we please leave?" I mumbled looking at Belle who was too busy getting tash and dancing like an idiot.

"Scarlett we literally just got here not even an hour ago, go hang with Niall.." She slurred putting her arms up in the air squealing like a child.

"You're ridiculous Belle." I sighed, walking away before bumping Into Niall again.

"Hey there sweet heart, couldn't get enough of me." He winked.

"Not In the move you perv." I scoffed, trying to walk around him until i felt his big strong hand grip my wrist tightly.

"Ohh come on sweetheart, I always see you eyeing me at work." He smirked, "Now tell me what you really want." He whispered in my ear.

"Wanna know what I want." I snapped, "Is for you to get the fuck off me!" I yelled, snatching my wrist back and looking up at him. 

"You may seem tough Horan, but i really don't give a rats behind what you think." I smirked, before walking towards the front door.

"Fine then at least let me take you home." He sighed following behind me.

"I'm good I can call a cab." I mumbled.

Before replying to my question we heard sirens in the distance, we both looked at each other thinking the same thing. "Cops.." I whispered.

"COPS!" Some guy yelled coming Into the house.

"Run!" Niall yelled grabbing my by the hand and racing out the front door. 

"Niall! I can't keep up! I-I'm in hea-" Before I can finish i felt a popping/burning sensation running through my ankle as I was brought the to ground. 

"You kultz!" Niall scoffed before picking me up bridal style and running towards a nearby park.

"Why are you so worried about the cops seeing you?" I asked, curiously as Niall set me down on the park bench.

"Been Into fights and drugs." He shrugged, "No big deal really." He added, brushing it off.

"Well I want to go home please." I said trying to stand up as I whimpered, putting more pressure on my ankle then I should have.

"No you're not going home, you're staying with me." He said with a stern voice.

"The hell I am, you take me home now." I snapped.

"Are we going to have to do this the easy way or the hard way?" He smirked, coming closer to me.

"W-What do you mean by that, stay away from me Horan." I said trying to scoot away on the bench.

He smirked before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. "My car is right around the corner princess." He chuckled.

"I demand you to put me down!" I screamed, before yelping in pain. "My ankle dude! Stop!" I yelled.

"I'm not the idiot who is wailing around." He snickered. 

I sighed and left my whole body go limp as I felt defeated. I heard him chuckle as we continued to walk a few more seconds, before getting to his car. 

"Can you please drive me home." I whispered.

"Not safe princess." He spoke softly.

"I swear if you call me that I'm going to punch you dude." I snapped.

He smirked. "I love when you get so defensive about that." 

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes. I was clearly in a horrible mood, my ankle is possibly sprained/broken, I got hit on at the party, Niall won't take me home.

I sighed and looked out the window before slowly passing out.



I parked in front of my flat before looking over at Scarlett. She looked so peaceful just sleeping like that. 

I got out of my side of the car before walking over and opening Scarlett's door. "N-Niall?" She asked in a tired voice.

"Well hello princess." I smirked, before she opened her eyes and gave me a weird look.

"What did I say about calling me that," She said seeming agitated.

I laughed before picking her up bridal style and closing/locking my car doors. 

I walked up to the front of my flat and unlocking the doors, I placed her on the couch before going back to lock my door.

"I'm sleeping on the couch." She announced as I shook my head. "No you're sleeping in my bed, and i'm taking that ridiculous costume off you." I laughed, before helping her back up again.

"I'm not sleeping in your bed." She snapped giving me a stern look. 

"Well that's too damn bad." I smirked, before bringing her up the stairs. I slowly set her on my bed, before grabbing some clothes. "You have a choice to dress yourself or I'll do it for you." I smirked. 

"I think I can manage to change my self thank you." She snapped before heading to the hallway to change.

"Why are you changing in the hallway?" I snickered.

"You don't need to see me naked!" She snapped.

"Ohh but I wish I could." I groaned, trying to make her uncomfortable.

"You perv!" She snapped before coming in.

"You look sexy in my clothes." I smirked, grabbing her hips and bringing her closer to me.

"Ok Horan stop," She said before pushing me off.

"Fine get some sleep." I said before laying in my bed.

"I'm not laying next to you." She said, "Fine have it your way." I said shrugging.

Five mins later I felt the side next to me dip low, I smirked before turning around and see her eyes meet mine.

"Didn't wanna sleep on the floor anymore?" I snickered.

"I'm only do this because my ankle hurts." She snapped. 

"Uh-huh, That's what they all say." I smirked before turning back around and turning the light off.

"Good night Niall." She whispered softly, before I turned around and looked at her already half sleeping. I smiled and put my arm around her and pulled her close to me.

"Good night Scarlett, I promise you, I will not let anyone hurt you.." I whispered, holding her closer to my chest.

No one. No one can hurt her. I'll make sure of it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2018 ⏰

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