Chapter 1

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This isn't a copyright I wrote this story for a school project so please if you see any word spelled wrong or anything like that please just ignore it.
I hope you guys enjoy the story and know that I am writing going to be making a sequel to this story. Most of the chapters are long so I will most likely spilt the chapters in to part it won't be over 3 part.

My eyes wandered over the pistil in my hands, not wanting to think about everything that has happened to me.

I heard the door open, I quickly made sure my gun was loaded and prepared myself for what was about to happen. I hid behind the counter and waited. I only had to wait seconds until the sound of footsteps came towards me. A young man walked around the counter, when he looked down, his eyes widened. I could have sworn I saw fear in his eyes before he covered it up. "Why hello there, you have kept me waiting way to long."

His eyes widened at Mt words he looked like he was preparing to run. At that moment I took action. I shoot up and aimed my gun. Before I could shoot, my gun was on the floor. I looked over and saw a man. I quickly grabbed his head and smashed it into the counter.

I took after the young man, but he wasn't anywhere in sight. All of a sudden am arm was wrapped around my neck. Instantly my hands shot up and tried to pull his arm away.

Then I had an idea. I pretended I was was dead when his grip loosened. I took action. I elbowed his stomach, stomped on his foot, once I got out of his hold once I got out of his hold I kneed him where the sum don't shine.

I grabbed my knife from my boot and did a quick swipe across his neck. 'Target eliminated'

I hopped into my car and drove back to Moonnight Hollows to report back to Cree.

I walked down the halls. Until I got to the last door, I barged right in. "The job is done, and here's something special for you Cree."

He looked up from his desk and said, " what might that be?"

I grabbed the file I had gotten before the mission was completed and threw it onto his desk. He smiled, he opened his mouth to speak, but he never got the chance before his office door slammed shut.

I pulled up to my house before I could get out of my car something or should I say someone jumped out at me. "Why didn't that scare you?"
"Exact same reason why it never does Jake."
Jake rolled his eye dramatically. "Anyways I am guess the mission was a success."
"As always."
"Are you okay?"
"... I guess so... as long as I don't think about my past."
Jake nodded his head in agreement. "Have you met the new recuit?"
"No I am guess Chris didn't make it?"

He nodded his head. I turned back to my car and grabbed my bag. When I turned around Jake was gone. I shook my head as I started towards the house.

Once I walked in, I saw a girl with blonde hair laughing at Will. I cleared my throat, the girl spun around to reveal a face I never expected to see again. "Dawn?"
"Joy is that really you?"

Before I could say anything else all the memories came flooding back...

Hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 1 Part 1! There is still more to come. What kind of memories do you thing come flooding back?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2018 ⏰

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