"It was an open invitation. Nobody said I couldn't," I say, keeping my gaze on my drink. I don't want to have to deal with him anymore. He's been teasing me and knocking elbows ever since I stopped him from mugging that kid. I don't care why he needs the money, but I'm not going to let him scare a kid like that. Plus, we've all seen the car he drives. It's not as though he really needs the money.

"Just didn't think you'd have the balls to show up. Oh, and you're not even drinking? That's lame," he sneers, rolling his eyes and running his hand through his greased hair.

"It's lame to not want to get drunk off my ass and do stupid, uncontrollable things in front of strangers? Hmm. You sure?" I say, pursing my lips, but still not looking up at him.

I feel Ned's presence shadowing behind me, ready to help out if I need it, but Flash suddenly turns his attention to my friend.

"Ooh, fattie showed up? Wow. I never thought I'd see the day where you pulled yourself off that fat ass to come to a party!"

My head shoots up and I glare at Flash, taking a protective step in front of Ned. "Say what you want about me. Leave my friends out of this."

"Or what?" Flash taunts.

"What do you want from me?" I ask, voice still a steady calm, as I clench my fists under my sleeves.

"Loosen up, Penis. Have a drink. I'm not going to fight you here," he says, suddenly dropping some of his anger as he pushes the unopen beer into my hands.

"You say that like I haven't had a drink before. Believe it or not, this isn't my first party. I know how to hold my alcohol."

"Sure, Parker. Like any of us believe that. Just give up the charade and tell everyone that you're just a loser," he says, shoving my shoulder.

"Just fuck off, Flash," I say, tilting my head back a little to turn my glare away from him.

"How about a bet, huh? I'll leave Fattie alone, if you can hold your alcohol better than I can. Whoever throws up first or backs out first, loses. Deal?" Flash says, sticking out his hand towards me.

Instead of shaking it, I pour myself a shot of vodka and down it with a smirk in his direction. There's no way I'm letting him make fun of my friend, even if that means I probably won't be his friend tomorrow.

"Peter. I swear to god, don't do this," MJ hisses as soon as Flash has walked away with a beer in his hand. I know taking a shot won't be a good way to start, but fuck him. I'll win this even if it kills me.

"He's not going to make fun of Ned anymore. I don't care. I'm winning this," I say, popping off the top of a beer with my teeth.

"Dude, it doesn't bother me," Ned says, but he shifts the hem of his shirt away from him and pulls his hoodie closer around him, and it's probably subconscious, but it hurts him.

"This is my fault and I'm going to fix it," I say, wholeheartedly determined.



Peter doesn't stop. I thought that maybe after a couple beers, he'd give up, but he's currently winning his 4th game of beer pong. Flash isn't doing too great, so I'm now just hoping he'll give up so Peter can stop, but it's already a little late for that.

"Peter... Just stop, okay? Let Flash win this one. Please," I beg for the thousandth time. "We don't care so just let it go."

"No!" Peter slurs, drinking his red solo cup of beer. "I need to end this. He can't make fun of Ned anymore! It's not fair and I don't care that I'm leaving, I need to fix this!"

Melancholy Hope {Spiderson&Irondad}Where stories live. Discover now