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When modest semis lack the room for them,

here they come for Eventide,

swept and tidied away to die

and some insist on lingering

for the record books.

This clean, hygienic home

obscures the scrap heap that it is,

with remnants resting

to be fed and entertained

like Oxfam full of discards

and some half life.

Each day some come, some go

and we fit our passive parents

into this workable routine,

knowing our ancient ones

have haphazard memories and habits,

talking of the past casually,

and rarely well-articulated;

the resident historian might modify their idle boasts,

the manipulations of their lives.

So much time and care expended,

possibly a waste that animals ignore;

this is where the lonely live

outliving family and friends,


sometimes preparing

for an uncertain day of dying.

They can only keep a little

of the junk that held their lives together,

must forget so many bits and pieces.

Jesus, had he lived, might have said

'New stitches to old lives

do not remove infirmity'

Zimmer frames,  chairs and sticks

double the size of frail old folk

making the world

seem even fuller

than it might well be.

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