Beacon Hills Highschool

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A/N Alright so Teen Wolf last night was beyond awesome! Yet very trippy..... so I'm gonna start from beginning episode where we first meet Liam that way I follow the storyline in the episodes...


I wake up and automatically roll to my side. Being stupid and all I forgot I fell asleep on the couch. Great, I love being face first into a wood floor.

I make my way to the bathroom and do my usual morning routine.

"6:55 am.. Beacon Hills.... alright I got this." I say as I mentally plan out my route to get to school.

I quickly throw on a pair of acid washed jeans, tank top, a sweater and then quickly straighten my hair.


I grab my bag and run out the door.

Only to run back in to grab my phone.

"You always forget something... always." Jordan says smugly.

"Shut up" I reply laughing

"I'll give you a ride to school.. come on." he says as he starts walking out the door.


"Alright I might have a late shift but I'll try and pick you up after school okay?"


I walk into the front doors and head over to my locker

This guy looks like he's staring at me.. maybe he's silently judging me . Stop it! You're just nervous that's all...

"Excuse me?" I tap the rather tall looking boy with his spazzy looking friend.

He turns around and smiles

"Oh sorry"

His spazzy friend looks over his shoulder and says, "Hey! Aren't you Parrish's sister??"

A bit straightforward...

"Yes... You are?" I reply with a significant amount of confusion.

"Um Stiles.. Stiles Stilinski.. My dad-the sheriff... he-he works there." Stiles manages to stutter out.

"Yeah I know him.." I reply

"My names Scott." The taller boy says and gives a warm smile

"Hello, Scott... Stiles. My names Carina and you're kinda blocking my locker.."

They move out of the way and quickly settle in my things and look at my agenda... Nothing this morning what am I - "Hey you don't have anything this morning you can come see the lacrosse tryouts!" Stiles says over my shoulder quickly making me jump.

Note to self: always make sure Stiles isn't behind you when looking at private stuff.

"Yeah sounds great!" I reply

I start walking towards the lacrosse field only to bump into another tall boy. Seriously whats wrong with me today ?!

"Oh my god I'm so sorry are you okay?" the tall boy says.

I look up and quickly take in his beautiful blue eyes, short, spiky brown hair, and his muscular arms.... that happened to be holding me steady. I can already feel the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"Um sorry I should've been watching where I'm going," I ramble with blushing cheeks. He just smiles and says, "It's okay. It's not everyday I get to run into a gorgeous girl like yourself." He flashes a cocky but flirtatious smile.

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