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"RAY! GET DOWN HERE..." I yelled upstairs.

She came stomping down stairs. 

"what Mom?" She asked.

"Watch the tone, I need you to run to the store for me." I said, handing her a 20, "and take Missy and Hannah with you?" I asked.

"Fine." She said, taking the keys to the car.

Yup..Rayleigh is now 17.. And Alexander is 15. We had three more kids after Alex, Finnegan, who is 13, and Hannah and Missy (Melissa) who are 7, theyre twins.

"Hey, Im going to go drop the boys off at the feilds." Nash said, kissing my cheek.

"Oh, and dont think I forgot, Happy birthday baby." He smiled.

I rolled my eyes. 37 isnt that bad..right? I feel old, but dont feel old. I feel old becuase Me and Nash have five kids, and becuase all the boys are grown up too..

Cameron and Issabelle have three kids, all boys, Harrison, Hayden and Greyson..Jack and Jack both got married to two beautiful girls, and Jack G and his wife are lannin gon having a baby. Carter and Sara are still giong strong, Hayes has a girlfriend who we havent met yet, but we think she is a keeper the way he talks about her. Rian and Chris are married, and she thinks she is pregnant again, they have a four year old daughter Chloe. Aaron moved to Florida, and we havent heard from him in a while, but we talk here and there. Matt and McCayla got back together, and all the otehr guys are currently single, still focusing on their youtube careers and such. Still going strong with them.

 I sat down and looked around. Still in the house I first bought when I movedout here. I thought of how Jo and Mekeltie were supposed to move in with me. How we were going to be the 'three single ladies' and look where I am now..

Mekeltie has a 18 year old son. She is also 37.Its surprising, but true. Her and Grent split after a while, and she is now married with 5 other kids, Renee and Riley, who are 15, Justin, who is 10, Kyle who is 8, and Tayla who is a little over 5.

I smiled remembering all the memories I had with those girls..


Summer of 2014...

"Here we are!" I yelled, walking into the new house.

They were in awe.

"Ugh, this is going to be the best years of our lives! Single ladies forever!" Jo screamed.

I laughed, and we all sat down on the little couch we had moved in here.

"What if we like, were walking down the street, and saw THE Cameron dallas?" Mekeltie said.

"Hey! You know I am right here..." GRent said.

We all laughed.


I looked over at the wall of pictures. Me and Nash decided to take every picture we took, like, litterally every one of them, from the time we met, to the day we die. We had pictures from his MagCon adventures, and when we first met, and the wall is huge, its about 15ft long, stretching across from the kitchen to the living room. And we are covering it with pictures. We have all the kids birthdays, and it kinda goes by in months. I walked over, and looked at all the pictures. I saw the one when I just moved in,a nd My mom was taking a picture with the "SOLD" sign in my hands. I noticed for the first time ever, that all the boys were photobombing in the back where you could see th eside of their house, and they were all being weird. I cant believe how I havent noticed that yet..


 Well, todays the day..the day I saw goodbye to my highschool joys, and the tears, and move 12 miles, from Hollywood, to L.A. I know, most people would choose a difrent state, but no, not me, I want to be a safe distance away from my family, but not to close, and not too far. 

The Day We Met Again. (BOOK 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin