''Your sister caused Haruhi to get Jeolus, Aren't I right?'' Tamaki asked as he showed Haruhi hi puppy dog eyes.

''Kind of, but at that time I had just realized my feelings thank's to Mai and well then than's to you sister Tamaki realized his'', Haruhi said while giving Mitsuru a smile.

''To be honest Haruhi I have nevern though of you as a crossdresser, How did that happen'', Mitsuru asked making Tamaki blush with embarasment.\

''It was all the Host club's fault they all though I was a boy and then I got nervous because Tamaki was flirting with me which led me into acidentaly dropping this 8 million yen, but at the time I couldn't pay that so I ended up becoming a Host, and that's what happend though Tamaki was the one who requested it and he was also the last one to find I was a girl in the host club'', she said as memories came flying back.





A maid walked toward the door as they made their way to the diner table.

''Excuse me Masters and Mistresses but all your friends are here do I let them in?'' Shima asked. (SHIMA SECOND ESTATE HEAD-MAID).

''You know Shima we come in even when the Boss say's NO, like we care'' The twins said as they walked in without permission and in back of them everyone else was standing.

''What are you guys doing here?'' Tamaki asked a bit worried that Haruhi and him might have forgotten something important.

''How rude Tamaki you forgot that Hikaru, Kaoru, Naomi, and I are getting married, today is Hikaru's and Kaoru's bachler party and Haruhi is coming with us to celebrate in the same Hotel we celebrated hers'', Masami said like it was something normal.

''Yeah Tono you and Takumi will be coming with us over to our manssion while Haruhi and Mitsuru go with them !!!'' Hikaru said.

Minutes later the two groups of seven were heafing their different ways.


''Everyone to sleep and Renge this one please try and not move from this room I am a lot more active than Haruhi is I will not tolerate it you got that, and that goes for everyone else except you Naomi since it's you wedding too!!!'' Masami said as she headed towards her bed after explaining every rule to the other ladies who were shivering.

''What exactly happened the night before you wedding Haruhi?'' Mitsuru whispered since neither of them could fall asleep.

''Well Renge had this idea that we should go and decorate the location where we held the after party and then then try and fix whatever was left to do in the chapel, by the time we got to bed it was over 10:00 pm, and then Renge went missing 10 minutes after Natsumi found her sleeping in the bedroom and pulled by her ear until she was next to her sleeping bag, and then we all fell asleep'', Haruhi said remembering the week before.

''Ah I see'', Mitsuru whispered back to her but it was just a little bit loud.

''Are you guys still up'', Natsumi asked as she stood up and just took a seat in the sleeping bag, '' I can't sleep and you guys look like you can't either, can I join you conversation'', Natsumi asked feeling a bit uncertant since Haruhi and Mitsuru were technically sisters now.

''SURE'', Both Natsumi and Haruhi answered at the same time.

''You guys act , and look like sisters, can I join you too?''Reiko asked as she did the same that Natsumi had done.

''Sure you can join us too Reiko'', Mitsuru said as Haruhi just nodded.

The girls spent hours talking to each other until they fell asleep.


''WE ARE SO NOT SLEEPING TONIGHT'', The twins both chered.\

''You guys are going to be so tired and sleepy tomorrow'', Honey said as he took a seat near Mori.

''Yeah'', Mori agreed.

''I don't know about you but I am heading to bed'', Tamaki said walking over to his sleeping bag.

''Watch out Boss we might have done something bad with that sleeping bag'', the twins both said making Tamaki go to his EMO CORNER .

''Relax Tono we didn't do anything'', Kaoru asured him, Tamaki made his way back to the slepping bag.

''I am going to bed too, and DO NOT WAKE ME UP BEFORE 10:00 AM'', Kyoya made clear.

''I will be doing the same as Kyo-Chan and Tama-Chan'', Honey said in a complete adorable childish voice.

''Master's you have a visitor'', A maid said walking up to them.

''Oh really who?'' Kaoru asked.

''Oh it's jus me'', At the sound of this voice the pair of twins hid behind a couch, and the others did the same just to make sure they were save.

''HIKARU, KAORU Stop hiding from me I came for the wedding to say ''CONGRATULATION'' and now I leave'', the lady said walking out the room.

''By the way thank's Grandmother'', They both said as they got out from behind the couch, ''And hello Grandfather''.

''Congratulation boys, Oh but aren't all of you mariying soon?'' At this question everyone turned red except Kyoya who just kept his cool attitude well and of course Mori didn't blush either.

''Actually Granfather Tamaki is already married, the rest of us are in the fiance stage'', Kaoru said out of the blue.

''Oh really then, Congratulation to the newlyds, you married Fujioka-Sana right Suou-San'', He asked.

''Yes sir'', Tamaki answered.

''Lucky man, well then goodbye'', The man said as he left the room and joined his wife, but his wife was leaving in a motorcycle when he was leaving in his Limo.

After that everyone went to bed.

--------------------------------------------------------AUTHORS NOTES-------------------------------------------------

READER: You promised to update everyday!!! ^_^

ME: Sorry I have been busy preparing for school.

READER: Can you update faster?


READER: By the way in this chapter you changed instead of Suoh you use Suou why?

ME: Because I just found out I have been spelling it wrong.

READER: Okay thank's for letting me ask.

ME: NO Problem, and guys Happy last daays of Summer Vacation I hope everyone ejoyed as much as I did.


The Suoh Family  ( A Ouran High School fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें