Chapter 5

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    Benny woke up confused, his head hurt. Did he pass out from crying. He looked around noticing it was late at night, or early in the morning depending on how you looked at it. 3:33 am.
    Sure he thought avoiding Ethan was best, but he couldn't do it. He needed his best friend. More than he thought possible. He could sneak out, and he had an idea where his friend was.
    "I should just do it. Go find him. Help him no matter what." His voice was quiet and lonely. He closed his eyes standing up. "But I can't let him be alone. Not after everything we've been through." Benny muttered, why was he talking to himself.

    The air was cold, making him shudder. He started walking quickly away from his house. Benny had to get to Ethan before his grandma found him gone.
    Ethan sat up, he was on a chair in Ericas room. She was out getting 'food' but that was his best description. He heard a heartbeat, a fast one. He sat up nearly falling from the chair. His hair was a mess, his shirt was falling slightly from his shoulder. It was oversized sure, but it's all he had.
    Ethan stood narrowing his eyes. Sure Erica's mother had returned a few hours ago, but she didn't go near Ericas room. So the sudden heartbeat made him wonder if Benny or Sarah was looking for him. He made it easy, pulling his jacket on as he knew if he left he'd have to wait for Erica to return to get back him, but he was willing to wait.

    "I know you're there Benny." Ethan said, his voice low, and to Benny terrifying.
   "Oh, hey Ethan fancy seeing you."
    "You were looking for me." Ethan made a gesture towards the house. "You found me."
    "That I have." Benny said trying to remain calm, he had to remind himself that Ethan could hear his heartbeat. "You have to go home Ethan. Let people help you."
    "I have to do nothing." Benny noticed how Ethans voice dropped as he took a step closer to Benny. "I'm fine here, where I don't feel different."
    "You were different before. Now you're just a vampire." Benny tried to argue.

    Ethan was quiet. He looked down clenching his fist for a moment. Before backing Benny into a wall.
    "I want that back. I've lost everything, and I don't know what to do. Erica is helping me." His voice only rose slightly. "You didn't even notice."
    "Notice what?" Benny felt his heart beat quickly. Ethan was scaring him.
    "No, I'm not telling you." Ethan let out a small growl pushing him against the wall.

    "Get away from him." Ethan barely noticed Sarah.
    "Why should I. He shows up here." Ethan grabbed Benny's arm.
    "He's your friend, I'm your friend."
Ethan closed his eyes. He tightened his grip, he turned so fast shoving Benny down, putting a foot on the other males chest.
    "You say you are a friend. But you run when times get rough." Ethan opened his eyes. "Leave. Now."

    Sarah watched as Ethan rushed through many emotions. She watched his eyes narrow, then step off Benny. He returned to the wall.
    "I said leave. Or are you wanting a fight." Ethan didn't know what was driving his anger.

    Sarah grabbed Benny and ran off. "You're an idiot." Sarah said softly looking at Benny.
    "I just want my friend back. She's taking him away."
    "Just respect his wishes and drop it."
    "I can't, he is my friend." Benny's voice dropped as his eyes held sadness. "I'll try again everyday, every week, every single moment until he's back. He is my best friend. Even if he doesn't want to face it." Benny took a deep breath. "I will always be there for him."
    "You care more than any friend would." Sarah thought for a minute. "You like him, don't you." Benny didn't respond, he just walked home saying nothing.

    Ethan had to wait a few hours for Erica to return. She just looked at him then opened the door for him to go inside. Ethan just went back to the chair he was sitting in.
    "What happened?"
    "Sarah and Benny stopped by. I'm confused." Ethan said looking at what she had in her hand. It was blood and Ethan, much to his minds disapproval, wanted it.
    "It took them long enough to try looking for you. Thought they would be here hours ago." She tossed the bag to Ethan. "I'm gonna go watch tv. Stay in here."
    "Okay." Ethan said softly catching the bag watching her leave.

    Ethan sighed after he finished the blood. For the past few days Ethan had been trying his hardest to make his vision powers work, but they weren't working. He clenched his fists as he sighed loudly. Why where they gone? He needed them, they were apart of him, but now they were gone. It was one of the things stressing Ethan out.
    He could live with being a vampire, but he wasn't sure he could live being without his powers. It was like part of him was ripped away, and left him to be alone.  He would have cried, but he couldn't. He hadn't cried since he became a vampire, nor did he want to.
    He looked at the rising sun, he knew Sarah would have to leave soon, and he'd have nothing to do. There was few things he hated, and that was having nothing to do.


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