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"I don't really think crabs are tasty..."Grey replied.

"And here I thought you'd eat anything." Phipps replied.

"I would eat anything,but I have taste buds too Phipps."Grey chuckled.

"Well, maybe her majesty would like it." Phipps chuckled.

Andy shook his head and looked at the two men in white. "Oh shit."

He immediately hopped off of Phipps' hand and landed on Grey's head.

Grey squealed and tried getting Andy off his head. "Ack!"

Andy held onto the human's head to keep from falling.

"Careful Grey! It might pinch you!" Phipps warned.

"I blame you if it does!"Grey replied still tried to get Andy off.

"Andy! Jump off the ledge!" (Y/N) whispered a bit.

The crab pulled on Grey's hair to get him to move closer to the edge.

"Grey! Careful!" Phipps shouted.

Grey continued to shakes his head and brush his hair with hands, "Help me Phipps!"

Before Phipps could reach to carefully pull the crab off Grey's head, it immediately jumped off the ship and landed in (Y/N)'s hands.

Grey leaned over to boat to see where it landed. Andy was dizzy in (Y/N) arms as she looked up at the human with white-grey hair and gasped. Grey saw (Y/N) and his eyes widened, "Oh my god...mermaids are real?!?"

Lydia immediately swam to them and splashed a huge amounts of water at Grey. "My lady swim away!"Grey wiped the water out of his eyes and coughed slight.

While Lydia splashed at the human, (Y/N) immediately dived down and swam away.

"Grey! What just happened?!" Phipps asked as his partner was suddenly wet.

"I saw a mermaid."Grey replied and stepped away from Lydia's splashs. Lydia then swam away after Trisha.

"What? There's no such thing. You probably saw a dolphin." Phipps shook his head.

"I know what I saw!"Grey replied. Phipps sighed and looked below the ship. "There's nothing there Grey."

"You missed her."Grey replied.

"I think someone needs to rest when we reach land. We've been traveling with the queen for three days." Phipps sighed.

Grey huffed and squeezed the water out of his hair. "

"Oh no. It seems the wind is starting to become harsh." Phipps pointed out.

"Oh no. It seems the wind is starting to become harsh." Phipps pointed out.

"Yes,I'm cold so I'm going back inside."Grey huffed.

"Well hurry up and change. Because of we do sail into a storm, we'll need to make sure this ship sails through it safe for the queen." Phipps replied.

Grey nodded and walked inside.

*meanwhile back under the water*

"That was too close! Too close!"Andy huffed.

(Y/N) sighed a bit and looked above.

"My lady,you can't go up there!"Andy added.

"Andy is right my lady! You heard the rumors of humans capturing fish folk like us?" Lydia added.

(Y/N) smiled a bit, "Those are just stories to scare mer-children."

"Their true!"Lydia replied.

"Though...that human was pretty cute." (Y/N)  giggled a bit.

"Really?"Andy sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Cuter than the mermen I see at court." (Y/N) giggled again.

"My lady, your parents will be mad if they hear you say that..." Lydia frowned.

"You can't be going around court saying that.."Andy added.

(Y/N) giggled again and looked above them. "Oh dear, a storm is coming...I hope they'll be alright up there..."

"You care?"Andy replied.

"I don't know much about humans...but I am curious enough to care for their safety." (Y/N) smiled as thunderstorms grew louder above them.

"You shouldn't,my lady."Andy sighed.

"I'll just go and take one more look, then I'll go home. Alright?" (Y/N) swam up again.

"I got a bad feeling about this Andy.." Lydia frowned.

Andy thought a bit and grumbled, "ONE look,and don't get caught."

Andy grabbed onto Lydia's tail fin as they swam after (Y/N).

The Little Mermaid...(Black Butler Crossover!) (Charles Grey x Mermaid!Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant