CharliexVaggie ((fluff))

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Tital: You can do this.



The ally was cold and damp, Not a single soul in sight, The distant sound of laughter, plaguing Charlies ears as she continued down her path, through the dark and narrow alleyway, One hand placed against the concrete as her claw like nails scrapped the surface of a clearly old, and ripped poster that hung near by, 

Her eyes stung as they stared at the ground, and without another thought she suddenly stopped in her tracks, A shaky breath leaving her lips, before they were swiftly pursed again, as though she was afraid that even breathing would some how break her.  She couldnt help it, she had rarely been this upset in the past, But seeing something she worked so hard for crumble under her, she couldnt help the over-whealming need to scream.

It was a disaster, The moment she set foot on the podeum, she was bombed with insults and weapons being thrown, and the disgustingly cruel laughter of those she concidered her people, It would seem that the moment she decided to do this project, no matter if it were to help them,  She was immediantly shunned and lost all their respect, and for the first time in her life, she didnt know what to do.

It just hurt.

With the event replaying in her mind, The demon slouched herself agaist the bricks, head making a small thump as it bumped with the wall, before she slid down ever so slowly till she was sitting on sprawled out news papers, that no doubt about it was once someones bed.

It was there she sat in silence, just listening to the commotion calm down, She was planning on just staying there till she felt better, that was- untill she could hear another pair of footsteps that seemed to be running, coming closer and closer, perking up she began to quickly scramble to her feet, only to stop when she looked up to see a familer face.

There at the opening of the ally, Hunched over as they tried to regain their breathing stood-

"Vaggie?"                                                                                                                                                                           Charlies voice was quite and her tone horse, grabbing the attention of the white haired girl before her, who glanced up through her hair and who without a second to even blink, was already knealing beside the defeated one, a hand resting agaist Charlies shoulder and her one eye serching Charlies in what seemed like worry.

"why did you run off?"                                                                                                                                             Vaggie was quick to question, her other hand moving to grasp Charlies other shoulder, just to make sure they were facing each other. This however only made Charlie, move her gaze to the side, so she would no longer be looking back at her friends face,

Biting her lip, she would stay silent for a moment before letting out a suddenly burst,                        "I cant do it Vaggie.."                                                                                                                                                             Her voice sounded hopeless and tired, A complete 180 from the girl Vaggie was talking to, only around 1 hour ago.                                                                                                                                                                  "it was hopeless to even try! i mean- did you see how they reacted! for the past week there have been protests outside the hotel doors!" Charlie pulled back, frailing her arms for imphasis,                "The only reason why they wont enter the doors to protest anymore is because Alastor had no problem slicing a good few in two when they tried! al-"

She was cut short by furious Vaggie, who has silenced her by quickly blocking Charlies mouth with her hand, a deep frown engraved over her features, glare almost frightening, 

"what the fuck are you ranting about? You think this is all hopeless?" she scoffed, "hell definantly is freezing over" Vaggie would mumble under her breath, head shaking slightly in a disbeliving way, She had known Charlie for who knows how long now, and in all that time, Charlie has never seen anything as hopeless before, however her gaze softened slightly when she looked back to Charlie,

"look, you never let the protests get to you before.. so why now? why did you hang your hang walking away? youre the princess of fucking hell for crying out loud! you could defiantly scare those bastards into their places if you wanted too. Remember that time when the talkshow nutcase thought trying to eat Angels pet pig was a good idea? and you went full satanic mode on his ass?"she quized

Charlie was finding it hard to hold back a small smile at that, it was probually one of the only time, the radio demon accually seemed surrprised and nearly impressed by her. 

"h-heh..ya.." she admitted shyly moving her head to the side, and starting to play with the ends of her hair, "but- even so- Vaggie i cant go demon mode on everyone who acts out, i- dont want to be roped in with my Mom again..i want to work my own way up, not be seen as someone who does what they want because mommy and daddy will back them up" The blonde would mumble. Turning to a mocking voice when mentioning the whole mommy and daddy thing. 

Vaggie tilted her head up at that and took in a breath,                                                                                        "does it really matter Charlie? does it matter if you are? because that is who you are. Princess of Hell. Not many demons can say that they were 'born' in hell. use it to your advantage, because you are 10 times stronger then any other demon out there, and only half as crazy" she joked slightly, raising a hand to carefully caress Charlies cheek, tilting her head back to face her, Causing the princess to give back a weak smile,

"and does it really matter what those shitbags think? because as you said to me once, 'with every one person who agrees with you, another 10 will disagree with you.'  and believe me, they would be too scared to rope you in with your parents anyway, especially when they know who they are messing with."

Charlie seemed to open her mouth to speak, a doubtful look still in her eyes, which is why Vaggie made sure to not give her the space to talk,

"look. You are by far the most human being i have met down her since i died, and i can tell you this, if anyone can complete this project, its you. why do you think ive followed you through all this? because i trust you to make this happen, you can do this Charlie."

Vaggie finished, and finally let go of Charlotte's face, and leaning back, this left Charlie feeling cold for a moment, but also allowed her to collect her thoughts, so staring down at the ground for a few moments, she stayed put, before a determined look crossed her face, and she stood, Vaggie was right, she was the princess of hell, This was her kingdom. Nothing would discourage her from this.

So with a final dust down of her suit, she turned to Vaggie and offered a hand to the smaller girl, who gladly took her and pulled herself up, only to be shocked by Charlie quickly pressing a kiss to her cheek, 

"Thank you Vaggie, im glad to trust you."

The darker skinned of the two snapped out of her little daze, trust wasn't something commonly found in hell, and it held on a higher ground over love for that reason, but of course, Vaggie was not shocked hearing this from Charlie, they frequently shared 'i trust you's between each other, so she simply leaned against the ally way wall with a smile, and crossing her arms, 

"Give em' hell, i'll be right there to punch anyone who even tries to say anything"

Vaggie would hum, watching her girlfriend shake her head in an amused manner, before the blonde offered her hand once more and bowed down slightly in a playful way, opening one of her eyes and peaking up towards the smaller one,

"i'd prefer you didn't, but shall we go my lady?" she mused 

lighting up as Vaggie scoffed back a laugh, and took her hand, "you are really such a dork. " her tone held sarcasm, yet her eyes read affection. "but- yes, lets, because im pretty sure if we dont go now, angel dust or someone is going to blow something up sooner or later from boredom."


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