Ch: 02

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Her insults make her chuckle dryly, unamused at her Mother's behavior. That's good, she wasn't planning to return, anyway.


Not when that creature was stalking her.


Her eyes are trained on the empty road ahead of her, dark tall trees cast long lingering shadows over the already dark road. The night sky is a thick black blanket thrown over all below; not even the brightest of stars could be seen in the smothering darkness.

The woman's eyes look tired, dark crescent rings under them. She gazes straight ahead in a blank stare, only half-aware of the world outside passing her while she was in the claustrophobic comfort of her car. Half-aware of her hands, limp as they turn the wheel in an exhausted way. Her hands, clammy with sweat from grasping the wheel for hours without movement.

No other cars were seen ahead, no normal person would be driving at 4:30 AM on a secluded road lined by tall pine trees. Besides her and another car that drove behind her. This car has seemed to be going the same way she was for hours now. They were going in the same direction, it seemed. That was what she told herself to shake off the paranoia of the chance of them following her. She's just overthinking, they aren't following her. It's fine.

She was so tired, days and days of staying up was starting to take a toll on her. She knew it was unhealthy. But she couldn't sleep. Not when she was so utterly terrified of her surroundings. Not when her dreams consist of her dying alone over and over again.

Tightening her hands around the wheel, she tries to tell herself to not fall asleep. It's not the car crash she would be worried about. It would be what lies in the deep woods all around her. It made her feel sick, her stomach clenching at the thought.

The sound of her cell phone ringing from the passenger seat startles her, her chest tightening and the sudden scare has pried her half-closed eyes wide open. Sleep no longer the center of her thoughts.

Breathing out shakily, she quickly glances at the caller ID that shows on the screen. Somehow, she suddenly feels even more stressed than she was before. She recoils in anger. It was hard to make her despise anyone, but when it came to her mother it was different. Her mother was one of those people who she dreaded seeing, someone she loathed. Why couldn't she just leave her alone already?

Her phone goes off again, a voicemail. Tapping on the notification, she returns her hand to the wheel and listens with her eyes trained ahead of her.

"Hey...Y/N. It's me. Just calling to make sure you are alright..." Her voice pauses, "I'm sorry about yesterday, I just have been so stressed and then you go off saying you were leaving..."

"I know you probably just ignored my call, I understand why though. Just have a bit of common sense and call me tomorrow. Your sudden disappearance will only stress your father out more, you don't want to be a reason he died, do you? People are starting to question me, " Her voices trembles, " I am really stressed, just hurry up and come home." She hears her let out an exaggerated sigh before the message ends.

It ends there, Y/N feels herself frown even more. Her hands clench even tighter around the steering wheel in anger, her hands cramping. In any situation, her mother would always blame Y/N. Even if it had absolutely nothing to do with her, it was her fault. It always was. Her mother likes to point fingers like a spoiled child, nothing she does is ever wrong, it is always somebody else's fault. She was always innocent.

An irritated grunt escapes her down-turned lips, Y/N turns on the radio to drown out her thoughts with music. She finds herself tapping her fingers to the soothing tunes as she briefly hopes there is a gas station somewhere up ahead.

Before We Go; Tim Wright X Reader Where stories live. Discover now