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Jacob's eyes fluttered open after light arose over his eyelids. A heavy groan of annoyance left his lips as he placed his head under the pillow, shielding his eyes from the light so he could continue to rest, but his body tensed up once feeling the presence of someone lying right beside him. He peeked out from under the pillow and looked beside him. When he saw Evie right beside him he clenched onto the pillow tightly as he buried his face in the mattress, pushing the pillow against the back of his head, letting out a muffled scream, trying to not wake Evie up.

Son of a... Why is this fucking happening?! Jacob yelled at himself in his mind, feeling a sharp pain pierce right through his chest, For fuck's sake! You buffoon! You idiot! You arsehole! You're a disgrace! He kept shouting insults to himself while his eyes shut as tight as they could as he continued to scream in the mattress.

He lifted the pillow off of his head and looked over at Evie. The features on her face once she turned in her sleep again captured his heart all over again, but something tried to cut the ropes that kept leading him back to her. Something in the pit of his stomach made him sickened and shameful for what has happened between them. The taste of bitterness spread all over in his mouth to where he felt almost disgusted by the whole thing. His love for her tried to wash all of those utterly heartless feelings his mind and morals made him feel. His feeling of their love was barely strong enough to rid the feeling of guilt and disgrace. But even though their love is strong, his conscience was stronger to where it overpowered it.

A deep, long sigh escaped his lips while he slowly sat up. He felt piercing pains stab him almost everywhere in his body, his mind and heart battling each other, tearing him apart by the thought of Rose and the feelings towards Evie. The young man could barely take anymore of this. Jacob glanced back over at Evie's sleeping form, a faint grin crossing his face before turning his head, looking forward, checking all over the room to gather his clothes to get dressed. He put one piece of clothing on at a time, trying to think clearly. His boxers. His trousers. His shirt. His vest. His jacket. His socks. Then lastly his boots.

A deep sigh escaped his lips, burying his face in his hands with a groan of mixed emotions, "What the bloody hell do I do now?" He muffled in his hands.

Evie moans as she's awakened by the creeking noise and movement from the bed, "Jacob...?" She peeked up with one eye opened, "What are you doing?" The young woman sat up, rubbing her sleepy eyes, covering her body with the blanket, looking over at Jacob.

Jacob jolted with a gasp by the cause of her voice. I need to put an end to this... He grasped his knees tightly, turning his hands into tight fists, I need to stop this blunder...

"Evie... we need to talk." Jacob rested his elbows on his knees, clasping his hands together, his chin resting on his hands, his back facing her, "Last night... last night was one of the greatest night of my life." He turned and chuckled with a weak grin, resting his leg on the mattress, trying to put effort into looking at the older twin, "I never knew this moment would ever become real in my entire life, but it did." He smiled gingerly, looking down, rubbing the back of his neck, still not looking her way, "But..." He paused for a moment, trying to breathe evenly while coming to a conclusion he wished would never have been brought up to his mind, slowly turning his head, "But last night was reckless." His eyes finally landed on hers with a stern look as he looked over at her.


He held up his hand, stopping her from speaking, "Please let me finish..." He closed his eyes, trying to hide his pain by inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly, putting effort into loosening his muscles to think and speak calmly, "I love you... I love you so deeply that it asphyxiates me for doing this..." He opened his eyes slowly, his eyes welling up, "But we shouldn't have done this... you knew as well as I did that this was a... I don't want to say this, but it was a... it was a mistake." His lips began to tremble as his heart throbbed, "We shouldn't have gone this far. We shouldn't have done such a forbidden act. Our love may be strong, but... but not strong enough for this to continue." He closed his eyes tightly, some tears running down his cheeks, shaking his head slowly, "We need to be realistic here, Evie..." He chuckled lightly, trying to bear the pain in his chest, "This needs to end here... and this needs to end now... do I make myself clear?" He opened his eyes, looking at her firmly.

Evie clenched her chest tightly, not knowing what to say as she was stunned by his words, soon letting her heart speak, "I disapprove such a request, brother..." She looked at him, stingy, "I know from the bottom of my heart and the words you speak, show proof on how strongly we love each other." The young woman bit her bottom lip before continuing, "I don't want things to end... and I know you don't either." She looked at him with steady eyes, "So why are you walking away from something both, you and I, have longed for?" The blanket draped down when she placed one hand on his shoulder while the other cupped his cheek, looking deeply into his eyes, "Why are you struggling away from something you tried to fight for?!"

"Christ, Evie!" He jerked her back, covering her up, "Will you stop and listen and think for once?!" His hands grasped onto her arms, "I knew that nothing good would come from this, in yet my body followed suit." He looked down, releasing her, "I may have made my bed and lied in it, but for Christ's sake, Evie! I tried stopping you! I tried stopping myself!" He glared at her, "For God's sake... we need to be practical, Evie..." His jaw clenched tightly, teeth gritting out of frustration, "This needs to stop before it causes even more of a fuss." He peered into her eyes, "Now let me say this one last time... do I make myself clear?"

"I still disapprove of this, brother..." Her eyes became blinded by tears, "I love you just as much as you love me." Evie's hands gripped tightly onto the sheets, "Please don't do this, Jacob."

He felt the wind get knocked out of him once he saw Evie shed tears that he wanted to touch her cheek and comfort her, but he knew nothing good would come of it, "Evie... I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore." He turned swiftly, bolting up, "I just can't..." His hands clenched tightly, his back facing her, "I love you, sweet sister... never think otherwise." Jacob began to walk to the door, not looking back, but stopped in his tracks once his hand landed on the doorknob, "I'll never forget this moment and I'll always treasure it in the depths of my heart..." He spoke weakly, trying to hide the crackling tone in his voice by clearing his throat, wanting to kiss her one last time before opening the door, but gripped tightly on the reins as he turned the doorknob.

He was about to open the door, but Evie swiftly shut it, keeping him away from leaving.

"For the love of God, Evie..." Jacob rested his head on the door, his hand clenching the doorknob, "Stop... please... just stop making this harder than it already is!" He closed his eyes tightly, slamming his free hand on the door.

"Jacob... please don't do this." Evie cried out, "Please do not make the same mistake I've made."

"And what mistake besides this do we have in common? Hm?" He growled, glancing behind himself, seeing his sisters saddened face.

The words that he used stung her sharply, but she tried to stay composed, "You're going to confess to Ms. Moore so you can move on, are you not?" Evie questioned lowly.

Jacob tensed up once hearing Rose's name, leading him to remembering the night before last, "I..." Silence filled the air for a whole minute before his lips slowly opened to speak, "I don't know, Evie... I just don't know."

"I presume that's a yes..." Evie stepped back, her arms dropping to her sides as she looked down, "Before you take such a big step as I did... please think twice before you begin something you might regret someday. Alright, darling brother?"

The whole room was heavy on both of them. It was just complete silence for a few minutes before Jacob was about to respond. He opened his lips slowly, but closed them, answering her with just a faint nod before walking out of the room, leaving the building. Evie stood there, filled with nothing, but agony as she saw him walk out of the room, not even looking back at her, nor answering her with his voice. He just left with complete silence.

As Jacob left the building from the rooftop, he was so lost in thought to where he didn't notice a figure see him leave the hotel.

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