Haunting Past

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Writers Note: You're gonna sorta hate me for this.

God have these years been brutal to me... Jacob thought to himself, resting his chin on his thumbs, covering his lips with his fingers, Where the bloody hell should I even start...?

Jacob peeked over at Evie, examining the look of anxiousness she has been giving him since his agreement to an explanation. He hid his face in his hands, groaning with annoyance before rubbing his face, preparing himself to finally open back up to Evie. The young man began to wonder on why he became so bitter and cold to her when all she did was marry the one she loved. He of course knew his selfish reason, but as he thought back to that day, he viewed his action as a childish tantrum for the sudden feel of abandonment when he knew very well that she didn't mean to do so on purpose. Jacob sighed deeply with the feel of disappointment before resting his arms on his knees, clasping his hands together, cocking his head to the side, opening his mouth slowly, trying to figure out on where to begin.

"Well... since I've already told you when my feelings began, might as well jump ahead a bit..." He sighed, looking over at her.

As Jacob began, Evie tried to recollect the past as she listened.

Eleven Years Ago...



Today was the Frye twins fifteenth birthday and they were training attack and defense in their fathers ring while their father was pointing out what they both needed to practice on more. Jacob was getting better on attack and improving his strength, which gave him the ability to knock out his opponents with just a few strikes, but his defense was lacking, leaving him open for hard blows which would lead him to being an easy target. As for Evie, she was well-balanced on both attack and defense, but she needed to build up her strength if wanting to keep her opponent down. 

The twins were sweating harshly, leading them both to panting heavily, neither twins giving in. They were both competitive, especially stubborn since their father promised the winner could do anything they pleased for the rest of the day, including teasing the other without punishment seeing as to how it was their birthday today. Though the only twin that would most likely tease would be Jacob, while Evie would love nothing more than to be left alone to read.

Evie struck Jacob a few times, swiftly pulling out the handmade blade George made for them, which led Jacob to doing the same. Grunts left Jacobs lips as he tried his best to dodge Evie's hits while growls left Evie's, both of them getting irritated by the other. Within a matter of seconds, Evie was able to strike Jacobs face twice with her blade once she found an opening, making Jacob stumble back. Jacob glared, wiping the blood off that was coming from his right eyebrow and his left cheek. A smirk appeared before he began to run towards her, preparing to jump for a fake strike to the face. Jacob grabbed her wrist that was open to grasp when she tried to shield her face, raising her arm over his head, twisting her arm, leading it behind her back, kicking the inside of her knees, making her fall forward, soon putting all his weight on her.

Evie struggled her way through as she growled with frustration, but resigned once she heard clapping come from their father, "Well done." A chuckle left his lips, "You did wonderfully on your attacks and defenses per usual, Evie. And I must say, you did fairly well on your fast strikes with your blade, but keep in mind to always have a plan b if ever caught in a position you're in now." Evie nodded with a deep sigh, "And as for you, Jacob?" He looked over at the other twin, "Nicely done on your attacks. You need to work more on your defenses, but I'm proud on how you shammed your opponent on such a false move, throwing your opponent completely off guard." Jacob didn't react to his fathers comments, he just ignored them, wanting this training to end soon, "I know you two will improve more and more as you both continue to grow. Well, lets return home and celebrate your birthday, shall we?" He grinned at them, walking ahead of them.

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