Yeah... always there for me... Never have I ever done anything for him...

"Dude... let's not get into that..." I said, just wanting to not explode...

"I just wanna know!"

"Fine, if you really wanna know so badly... I'll give you hints."

"Ugh, fine..."

"Number one: What was the first gender that I ever liked?"

"That's easy... girls. So Andy's a girl."

"And why do you say girls? How do you know it wasn't a guy?"

"Because it- oh... gah! That's not fair! Give me another hint."

"I would feel most comfortable around this gender if we were alone..."

"Um... well, you have a lot of friends who are girls, so I'm going to say that Andy is a girl. I'm right!"

"And what makes you think that?"

"You told me that when you were in your questioning phase that you felt more comfortable around a woman than a man."

"In that situation, maybe."

"So am I right?"

"You tell me."

"Come on!"

"I'm loving how you still haven't picked up on the lesson I'm trying to teach you."

"Lesson?! What lesson are you teaching me by making me try to guess this person?"

"I haven't told you the gender on purpose. When you can tell me the lesson, I'll give you the last hint you'll need to assure your answer."

"But that's not- come on!"

I start just walking around the basement aimlessly, taunting him as I walk. He's very close-minded and always stereotypes. Hopefully this will make him think outside the box a bit more.

"Fine," he said. "Is the lesson that gender doesn't matter?"

"Because..." I gesture him to continue.

"Because... gender is just one part of a person and doesn't determine love. Is that good?" he asks while typing away on his laptop with his eyeballs moving across the screen so fast.

"Good enough, I guess."

"So, what is he or she?" he's starting to get all bubbly and anxious like a kid waiting for his parents to tell him what car they're going to get him for his fifth birthday.

"Your last hint-"

He groans.

"What..." This will probably reveal two things about me.... "Between straight and gay... what have I classified myself more as..."


I nod slowly.

"So Andy's a guy."

"Good job, Einstein."

"You could have just told me."

"If I can make you think outside the box when it comes to these social issues, I'm willing to keep something like this. Just be lucky I told you. I really didn't have to."

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