Chapter 3: Fangirls and Fanboys

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The next year went by as normal with the occasional visit of Thorn. News that the Rainwing Queen was married to a Nightwing assassin and that they were expecting an egg had spread like wildfire and for the first few months Glory had been visited by reporters from other tribes. But the hype had died quick and now all she got was the occasional Nightwing looking at her like someone had told them they were an Icewing. But still, with all the hate around, there was a shimmer of hope for the two.

"I can't believe that I'll be a father soon," Deathbringer said. Glory was positive that if he were a Rainwing he'd be brighter then the sun but Glory knew better than to let her emotions show so instead she had her scales light Blue with hints of Pink.

"Well, you still gotta wait." Glory replied wrapping her tail around Deathbringers.

"Would you to shut up and get your tails down to the hatchery," Gardner said brushing a flower petal off of her snout. Glory rolled her eyes at her great-grandmother before jumping up onto a branch and swinging off into the forest Deathbringer right behind her. They reached the hatchery and walked over to their egg where the soft glow of the morning sun's raise made it look like it was a sculpture made of Gold.

"Glory," Deathbringer said entwining his tail with hers.

"Yeah," Glory replied her eye's glued to her egg. Deathbringer opened his mouth but was interrupted by Glory shooshing him. The egg had cracked and there was the sound of tiny talons scratching at the eggs shell. Deathbringer could hear Glory's heart beating so he placed his wing around her. Another Crack appeared on the egg this time Deathbringer heard the sound of a tiny dragonet beating their tail. Deathbringer couldn't breathe I can't believe I'll a Father in a few seconds. CRACK!!! The eggshell split into hundreds of pieces and in the middle of them, all stood a ting dragonet. They looked like a Nightwing with Dark Green and Purple scales his underbelly was Silver like the star scales under his wings and his spikes well at the sight of the two dragons they had gone a blind shade of Pink.

"He's adorable." Glory said scoping the tiny dragonet into her talons.

"what's his name?" Deathbringer asked looking at the dragonet thinking about all the fun they'll have killing anyone who gets on their nerves.

"Satsuma." Glory replied still holding her dragonet.

"All right let me hold him." Deathbringer than took Satsuma out of Glory's talons. "Hello, Satsuma I'm your Father I'll be the one who'll teach you how to fight and get all the girls," Deatbringer said. Glory whacked him with one of her wings.

"He's too young to be thinking about any of those things." Glory said sifting her scales to her favourite pattern. Green with a Blue crest Orange spread through her wings on her main scales she had lines of Yellow dots. "Besides we need to take him to the village." Deathbringer sighed. He then lifted Satsuma onto his back.

"Let's walk to the village," Deathbringer suggested. Glory understood why she got up and walked out of the Hatchery. The walk to the village didn't take long but by the time they had gotten there the sun was up and the Rainwings had begun their day. Glory felt the heat of the sun on her scales and it seemed that Satsuma felt it too. The moment they had entered the village his spikes had turned a blinding Gloden colour but that wasn't the only Golden thing in the village.

"GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sunny yelled as she came running towards her friend Thorn right behind her.

"Moons are all Sandwings crazy Fangirls like you two." Glory asked rolling her eyes.

"Not all of us are Fangirls, We do have Fanboys as well," Thorn said a huge smile on her face. "So were's the Dragonet?" Deathbringer brought on of his wings down to form a sort of slide for Satsuma. The moment Sunny and Thorn saw the ting Dragonet they both made an indragon sound. Satsuma looked up at the two Sandwings then run to hid behind his Mothers wing.

"Could you try NOT to sound like to monkeys getting tortured?" Glory asked lifting her wing up so they could see Satsuma.

"Sorry, So what's his name?" Sunny asked looking at the hybrid with her oddly coloured Green eyes.

"Satsuma." Glory replied. "It's a type of Mandarin look it up." Sunny held out one of her talons for Satsuma.

"Hello, Satsuma I'm our Aunty Sunny." Satsuma reached out one of his talons and placed it in Sunny's. "I'm going to spoil you so much," Sunny picked Satsuma up then hugged him. Satsuma seemed to be enjoying the warmth that came from Sunny's scales.

"GLORY! GLORY! GLORY!" Jambu yelled running through the village towards his sister. Glory looked over at her brother and saw that his scales were even brighter than they usually were.

"He's right here," Sunny said putting Satsuma down. Jambu froze when he saw Satsuma.

"HE'S SO CUTE!!!" He yelled before running over to the dragonet. Satsuma's saw Jambu he smiled shyly. The day continued like that until the whole village had met Satsuma. Glory was hesitant to introduce him to the Nightwing's but one short talk with Thorn and Glory knew she had to. Satsuma clutched onto Thorn's neck as the Sunny, Thorn, Deathbringer and Glory swang towards the Nightwing village. when they landed the first dragon to great them was Starflight and Fatespeaker.

"Where are they?" Fatespeaker had demanded the moment the small wing of dragons had landed. Thorn lifted Satsuma off of her back to show Fatespeaker. "OH, MY MOONS HE"S SO CUTE!" Fatespeaker than began to shake Satrflight. "WHAT'S HIS NAME????"

"Satsuma," Sunny said she had managed to calm herself if only a bit.

"That is the cutest name ever!!!" Fatespeaker squealed earning her a few odd looks from the Nightwing's around her.

"I wish I could see him," Starflight said with a sigh.

"Oh! Well, he looks like a Nightwing with Dark Green and Purple scales his underbelly is Silver and his spikes can change colour." Fatespeaker said brushing a wing against Starfligts. Glory thought that the two Nightwing's were perfect together and held back the urge to ask them when they'll be having an egg. Glory and Deathbringer walked through the village introducing their son to the Nightwing's and by the time the family had seen all the Nightwing's the sun had reached it's highest meaning suntime. As the family swang back to the village the world seemed peaceful apart for the Nightwing who snuck through the tunnel leading to the Sand Kingdom and began to fly not in the direction of the town that was extending or the Scorpion den were most Assassins resined but in the direction of the mountains were a certain Skywing gangs hideout was and were the second most dangerous dragon hid away from the Queens.

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