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The concert hall was breaking with screams and cheers of excitement, the four males on stage making the crowd go absolutely wild. It was incredibly hot, sweat dripping down the faces of the performing males, their skin shining in the bright lights.

Jinhwan was hot as well, jumping up and down screaming at the top of his lungs, waving his lightstick around like his life depended on it. He was being squashed and otherwise trampled on in the mosh pit at the foot of the stage. He was irritated by it, but hey, he was right in front of iKON. A tall person (once again) moved in front of him, and he swore loudly, trying to step to the side so he could see his idols on stage, only to collide with another fan who was jumping up and down with the loud music. The person paid no heed to Jinhwan, their incessant jumping causing the smaller male to stumble back and out of the mosh pit.

He scowled, breath ragged. It was much cooler away from the cluster of people pushing against the fence at the edge of the stage, and he had a better view, too. No tall people obscuring his view.

The only downside? He was further away from iKON.

Jinhwan sighed irritably, continuing to wave his lightstick and shout the lyrics along with the boy band. His throat hurt from screaming for the past two hours, but it wasn't every day he saw his favourite group, his ultimate bias, perform live, on stage.

He felt his face grow even hotter than it already was when June, his ultimate bias, took his shirt off. It was extremely stuffy and steamy, and the idols were definitely feeling the hot, Australian heat. June's torso shone with sweat, his lightly tanned skin stretched over bulging muscles, rippling whenever he moved.

Jinhwan swallowed the lump in his throat, his mouth suddenly as dry as a desert. He tugged at his choker, breath stuttering as his gaze fell to the big screen, capturing this glorious moment on camera. The fans, mainly fan girls, screamed loudly, hands reaching up to try and reach for the shirt which June was dangling precariously above their reach.

The song continued, and June's part came on. Jinhwan inhaled deeply and began to scream the lyrics for June's lines, waving his lightstick like a beacon, trying to gain the gorgeous idol's attention. His feet hurt from jumping non-stop for two hours, and his head was dizzy from the heat (why oh why did he wear long black jeans and a black long-sleeved shirt?), but he didn't care at this point. He just wanted his June to notice him.

June raised his gaze, scanning the crowd as Hanbin rapped his lines, lips twisted into a sexy smirk. He twirled the sweaty, white shirt in his hand, walking along the edge of the stage. His gaze seemed to fall in Jinhwan's general direction, a good six or seven metres from the stage.

Jinhwan felt his heart stop dead in his chest when June scrunched the shirt up, pulling his arm back and throwing the shirt in his direction. It arched over the crowd and descended just in front of Jinhwan, the small male jumping to catch it.

His fingers twisted themselves into the sweaty, white fabric, his face burning a bright red, his heart hammering against his chest. He looked back up to the stage, June had moved back to the other side of the stage to continue singing and dancing.

Jinhwan clutched the shirt to his chest as he jumped around and screamed for the rest of the concert, the broad smile never leaving his face.

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