Chapter 8

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Hidden in the dense undergrowth, four pairs of eyes watched closely at the trio that brought down the Megalosaurus. They had witnessed the battle as soon as it begun. It was hard to miss the shouting and the roaring of the fight, so it seemed worth investigating. And it was.

The hidden figures watched as the three of them were on the move, bruised, scratched, and moving slowly, sometimes limping with each step.

"That was a sight," said one of the figures--a male. "And their fighting skills and strategy was quite something as well."

"I agree," said another--a female this time. "However, their plan nearly cost them their lives. If that one with the pink hair hadn't have delivered the final blow in time, they all would have been killed."

A brief silence.

"Do you think it's possible that the light-skinned African American might be the one?" said another male voice.

"I don't think so," said the first voice. "I'd think we'd recognize the person we're looking for. He's not the one we are searching for."

"Still," said a fourth, another female. "I think we should keep an eye on those three. I have a feeling that they might makes things... interesting. None of them might be the one we're looking for, but I think that they'll make excellent pawns for our goal."

She turned to face the others. "Keep close tabs on the three of them. I want to know everything about them. I want to know when they sleep, eat, wake up, everything."

"Your wish is our command," said the third voice. "We'll see to it that your will be done."

"There is one thing I'd like to know," said the first voice. "If they do not assist us with our objective, what then?"

The fourth voice answered almost immediately. "Then they will not have any use to us. If they do not cooperate, kill them."

Another brief silence.

"However," the fourth voice said, "if the one we seek meets the three we saw today, then they might be of further use. But for now, we watch and wait."

Josh could still feel the pain in his chest where Tash had crashed against him. It wasn't as bad as before, but still...

He, Tash, and Jessie were walking deeper into the forest. Every now and then, he heard the cries of dinosaurs in the distance. Josh didn't really care about which species they were, he just wanted them to stay far, far away from him. He had had enough excitement and frights for one day. Instead, he listened to the sound of his feet landing on the ground with each step. Ever since he and the girls killed the dinosaur, they hadn't spoken much. Well, actually, the didn't speak at all.

I guess that happens sometimes after you kill a dinosaur that tried to make a meal out of you, he thought.

The sun's rays shown through the the tops of the trees, peeking through the leaves. Josh listened to his feet touching down on fallen leaves with each step. His throat was dry, his lungs stung, and sweat rolled down his face and collected on his chest and armpits. He noticed that Jessie and Tash were also pretty worn out.

But, in spite of their condition, they kept moving. The sun was just about to set. Sooner or later, they would have to rest. But Josh didn't feel like braving the night. With their luck, some nocturnal hunters would find them and make an easy meal out of them. He felt that the girls might have felt the same way. But--

Suddenly the ground began to tremor faintly and there was a commotion. Josh felt himself grow stiff. What now? What could possibly be the problem now?

Dinosaur Armageddon Vol. 1: Vengeful PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now