Summer Lovin', Havin' a Blast

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Your name is Sirius Black and you've been slighted by your best mate. James Potter, arrogant arsehole and girl lover extraordinaire, has abandoned you in your greatest time of need. You'd be more upset with him if the current situation wasn't entirely your fault, which it is. You just hoped he'd be a better friend and take the fall alongside you. It's hard to admit, but you understand why he didn't.

What you did was really, really bad.

Honestly, you didn't mean for the git to almost die. It just sort of... happened like that. And anyway, he didn't even die, so what's the big deal, anyway? All of this hullabaloo is for nothing, in your Most Ancient and Noble opinion.

You may or may not have tricked a certain greasy snake into drinking some tea with stevia in it instead of sugar, knowing he was allergic to it, but you didn't think he was that allergic. You just thought it'd make him sneeze a lot or something funny like that. You've never heard of anyone going into anaphylactic shock in response to fucking stevia, it's not like you fed him peanuts! Either way, if he didn't have his epi-pen in his bag, and if your little brother wasn't allergic to peanuts, he'd be dead. You only knew how to administer the medicine properly because of Regulus.

All the staff at your fancy boarding school were appalled, of course, and you spent over two weeks suspended from classes and were threatened with expulsion. The only reason you weren't expelled was your family—the Blacks are old, rich, aristocratic, and they donate a significant sum of money to Hogwarts every year. You stayed in school by the skin of your teeth.

But, they didn't let you off the hook after just two weeks of suspension, oh no! You had to 'learn from your mistakes' and 'make amends' and 'be a better role model for the younger students.' It all seemed like a bunch of nonsense to you, but you still couldn't wriggle out of what the headmaster had planned for you.

"Mr. Black," Said Dumbledore, fingers tented in front of him and eyes sparkling beneath his half-moon spectacles, "You will be spending your summer here, as a counselor for our Wonders of Learning camp. I suspect you'll enjoy it." You told him you doubted it, and you meant it—you're 17 years old, so you have way better things to do with your summer.

That's how you ended up here, on campus, on the first day of what should be your last summer vacation. The sun is high in the sky and you already feel like you're melting, once again lamenting the fact that while this camp is on Hogwarts property, it's an 'outdoor and sports' camp, so you'll be staying in the shitty cabins by the soccer fields.

Why is an outdoor and sports camp called 'Wonder of Learning' anyway? And why do you have to sleep in the cabins and be outside all day, when your dorm is literally just up the hill?

The sun is not your friend. You glare at her through your reflective sunglasses, and for some reason, it feels like she's laughing at you.

As you stand there staring at the sky, the black car that dropped you off zooms away. Looking down, you see that the chauffer haphazardly tossed your duffel bag and suitcase into the dirt next to you, and you sigh heavily, pinching the bridge of your nose. You knew your parents weren't happy with you, but you know it's bad when even the help treats you like shit.

You fish a crumpled sheet of paper out of your pocket, scanning it to find out what cabin number you'll be staying in. As a counselor, you had to arrive early, but you're even earlier than it said you should be. The 'team leader' meeting isn't until 10:30am, and a quick glance at your watch tells you its barely 9:45. Guess you'll use the time to claim your half of the cabin and explore the grounds—you've done your fair share of sneaking around Hogwarts, but you and James tended to stay inside, so the football fields and surroundings woods are practically unknown to you.

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