The fat faux messiah looked rather uncomfortable at being asked this question. His look changed from anxious to irate when one of his minions mentioned the angels. He tried to explain this errant statement.

"We believe that we have been sent angels to watch over us. They will lead us out of the darkness." Sam wasn't sure if these angels were real or metaphorical.

He asked Simon about the children of the village and whether they had been afflicted by the birthmarks which they had witnessed at other settlements. Simon confirmed that there had been births and there had also been deaths. His people had indeed been tainted by God but they were sure that they would soon have unblemished offspring.

"What makes you think that?" Sam asked.

"God will look after his chosen" Simon replied.

Simon had always fancied himself as a bit of a wheeler dealer. He had been involved in sales for most of his working life. He had sold cars, insurance, houses and double glazing. All of his customers had liked the genial Simon but not everybody had bought what he was selling. He had caught the plague early and when he recovered he had set about looting and gathering things for his future life.

He had concentrated on finding food, he liked his food, but had been seduced by some of the luxury goods which he had previously been unable to afford. Simon chose an enormous watch from a jewellery shop and as he was leaving noticed a thick gold chain from which was hanging a crucifix. He picked up the chain and the first seeds of an idea began to germinate in his mind.

It was very likely that in the future people would have to grow their own food. Simon did not want to toil in the fields he wanted someone to do it for him. How could he live without resorting to manual labour or suffering privation? He had noticed other people in their dark clothes hiding their faces. His face was ravaged too but he was thinking about wearing a different sort of clothing. He would be dressed from head to toe in white.

He had decided to style himself as a new messiah. Simon had been given the gift of the gab and in general people liked him. He would use these talents to convince survivors to work and provide for him. The man of religion guise would hopefully work in a number of ways. He was sure that many people were lost and would be seeking guidance and he would provide what they needed. He could issue edicts after receiving a vision and thereby manipulate his flock to do as he wanted. Initially the sight of a religious man dressed in white might help him avoid any violence too.

He had been invited to join a group which was heading for the countryside. When they found a small village and decided to settle there he began to insert himself into every aspect of the settlers' lives. He had gone to the church and inspected his new premises. In the basement he had discovered a stockpile of food and had made much of how he had been drawn to the Lord's home and been rewarded. The people were told that he had been guided to them and how lucky they were to be amongst his chosen.

The villagers asked him to bless various projects and asked for his guidance when decisions were to be made. His influence grew as he used his verbal dexterity to claim influence when things went well and distance himself when things went wrong. Simon managed to avoid all work but was offered the best of any food that was available. Two men recognised the benefits of backing the messiah and they became his minders. They shared in the profits of Simon's sham ministry and were happy to do his bidding in return.

Part of their job was to remove anyone who disagreed with Simon. Minor quibbles were ignored but acts of sedition were stamped on quickly. A visit from the apostles as they were ironically known was seldom a good thing. They would suggest how an individual might modify their behaviour. Most people heeded the message and fell into line. Some chose to leave rather than endure the hypocrisy. Some just wouldn't be told and disappeared never to be seen again as a result.

Simon had made a very nice life for himself. He had the best of everything, the choicest cuts of meat, the juiciest fruit and the biggest house. The other thing that Simon had was his pick of the women in his flock. It was a great honour to be chosen to spend the night with the leader. Simon had a few favourites who had proved to be a bit more enthusiastic than the others. They had seen an opportunity too and now shared in the benefits that Simon enjoyed.

The soldiers returned from the fields but had little to report. The people they had encountered were loyal to Simon and spoke reverently of their leader. He had gathered them together under his protection and would help them rebuild society in a God fearing humanitarian way. Maybe they were truly happy with the way things were being run. Whatever the truth the platoon only had until the morning to find out what was going on.

The dinner they were served was beef and vegetables and some form of alcohol. Most of the settlements had put some of their energy into making booze. The group at the barracks made wine and some sort of potato vodka. The followers were very excited to be eating that well and the Captain and Simon wondered what they usually had. The feast was definitely for their benefit to show what luxury they supposedly lived in.

The arrangements of the tables at the feast told a story. Simon was surrounded by a group of his trusted lackeys and those people took their share of the food first. The members of the group who were last to receive their food were also the thinnest. This was a society of the haves and the have nots. Sam could guess who did all of the hard work and it wasn't the people at the top table.

An older man on the periphery of the feast stared at Sam. When he caught the doctor's eye he motioned his head slightly to his left and then got up and left the crowd. Sam discretely told the Captain that someone wanted to talk and which direction he was going in and then slipped away from the table. The man was behind one of the houses and beckoned the Doctor over when he came into sight.

"He has them in the basement of the church" he whispered.

"Who does he have there?" Sam asked.

The man answered "The angels. The angel brides. It's not right what he is planning they are only children. You must rescue them."

The man looked around nervously and then disappeared into the night. Sam made his way back to the table and enjoyed the rest of his meal after telling the Captain "Later" in response to his quizzical look.

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