Chapter 4: DANI

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The abandoned city has this kind of flare to it that I cannot explain. Lifeless, yeah. Yet so full of life it actually gave this cozy feeling. It felt like home.

   Yet so empty without Tyler

   I stand on the edge of this rooftop. Evan has left the club this morning to go on a scavenging hunt, leaving me with some time to think. That would be right until this moment, when the wind blows past me and makes me feel as light as a feather, almost making me fall over, but a voice stops me.

   ''Are you gonna jump?''

   I scoff when I recognise the voice. ''Perhaps. If I had nothing to live for anymore.''

   ''Where do you think they have taken Tyler?'' Harper with her blonde bun asks. ''Do you think you can save him?''

   ''The Project. He is still eighteen. It is still legal to take him there,'' I turn to face her. ''And I could save him if I would. But have you seen those deaths out there? How many did not make it?''

   ''I have,'' Harper claims. ''I want to screw them up for killing Victor.''

   ''Exactly my thoughts on Tyler,'' I tell her. ''But that will be suicide.''

   ''Says you, standing on a roof almost getting pushed off by the wind,'' she crosses her arms. ''Get off there nuthead, come have lunch with me.''

Old bread with old cheese and a bottle of water. That was all there was yet it was enough for me and so for Harper. We sit in the old cafe in the back of the club where Tyler had just been arrested yesterday. There are others around like my childhood friend Shelley and her boyfriend Mason. Evan, Tyler and I managed to rescue them from the Project as well. It all had consequences for us, like our loved ones being executed.

   ''They are lucky to have you,'' Harper speaks up as she follows my glance. ''If you have never saved them, they would have been handed to the Project. I mean come on, Shelley is the best girl I have ever met since Suzie Kind from kindergarten.''

   ''It was almost only Shelley who had to go, you know?'' I tell her. ''Mason had literally broken the nearest window when he found out. He was so relieved when we told him we snuck her out of there.''

   ''You did well.'' Harper smiled as she glanced over at Shelley, I raise an eyebrow at her.

   ''She has a boyfriend.''

   ''Calm down, woman,'' Harper chuckled. ''I know. But like...everyone can die once.''

   ''You're terrible.'' I raise my eyebrow as I kick her under the table. 

   ''Ouch!'' she squeals. ''Shelley! Your friend kicked me!''

   Shelley just laughs from her table as Mason and I hand each other a look. I shrug telling him I have no idea how to handle this ball of bitterness. He chuckles before he continues to eat the exact same thing I am eating. 

   I have barely seen Evan creep up on me and jump up when he is by my table. He looks at Harper and then back at me. 

   ''Can I talk to my brother for a minute?'' he asks her.

   Harper just simply shrugs as she stands up with her food and paces over to the talking couple, interrupting them as if it were nothing. I look up at Evan as he sits down in the seat where Harper just sat a couple seconds ago.

   ''What is it, Ev?'' 

   ''I may have found something,'' he bends over and starts to whisper. ''Not only a way to save Tyler and everyone from the Project, but also to collapse their system for good.''

   ''You must be insane,'' I shake my head. ''That is impossible. Section A is so heavily guarded you will not get through, let alone destroying their system.''

   ''Listen to me, Dani,'' he whispers now a bit louder. ''Tomorrow the new arrivals for the Project will arrive in the Cabin. All we have to do is make two groups; one which distracts them and the other one to free the participants.''

   ''And then we do what, exactly? Bring them to Section M?'' I shake my head. ''First off, there is close to no place here. Second, the first place where the Dominion will look is right here and probably not only take them back, but also more of us.''

   ''You don't understand that I know what I am doing, Dani,'' Evan sighs. ''But you will see. Come with me. Or don't. But I will be there tomorrow.''

   That is the last thing he said before he stands up and walks to the stairwell, up to his room. I watch after him as Harper sits back down with me.

   ''What did he want?''

   ''For me to kill myself.'' I answer as I sip from my water bottle.

   ''Rough.'' Harper replies as she finishes her food.

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