Chapter 2

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To try and save him...



Carly's POV

"Ashton, do you wanna come to the coffee shop with me around the corner after school today?" I asked him when we were entering the double doors into school.

"Yeah, sounds fun.  I'll drive us there, meet me by your locker after school" He said taking my hand in his.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Ashton and I were dating, and we didn't even know it.  But I liked having a close friend who I could do this with.  

Harry met me by my locker and he looked like he'd been crying.

"Oh, Harry, what's wrong" I asked feeling terrible looking at him like that.  He din't even answer me, he just started crying.  Wrapped him in a hug, and tried to calm him down.  I tried asking him again.

"C'mon, Haz, tell me what's going on.  You can talk to me" I said with a sad expression on my face.

"Louis isn't doing good..." He said hiccuping.

"Why, what happened?" I asked feeling a little uneasy.

"His dad came and asked Louis if he wanted to go and stay with him for a little while, so that he could get to know him better..."

"And!?" I asked trying my best not to freak out and make Harry spit the words out.

"Louis' mom agreed that maybe that would be a good idea, so they're making him leave next semester to go to the US" He said looking at the floor.

"Oh, Harry i'm-"

"But that's...that's not all..." He said, playing with his fingers now.

"Harry what-"

"He tried to KILL himself, Carly!  He was so unhappy for being with his dad and leaving that he tried to take his own life!" Harry said not sobbing uncontrollably.  I stood there in shock, and before I knew it there were tears streaming down my face too.

"Is he ok now?" I asked trying to not burst into tears and scream.

"He-He's in a ho-hospital n-now" Harry said facing the lockers with two fingers on his eyes trying to keep the tears from coming out.  people were staring, but I din't care, I just started rubbing Harry's back, trying to calm him down.

"What did" I instantly regretted it once I said it.  "Sorry i didn't-"

"No, no, it's fine.  He, um...he took a bunch of pills, but his mom found him in their bathroom and she quickly drove him to the hospital.  "They were able to flush his stomach of all the pills before they could do any permanent damage to him, and i'm...i'm really, really worried.  I have to be by his side now, everyday, so i'm really sorry, but I don't think i can drive you home for a while..." 

"Harry!  I don't care about car rides! Of course I want you to be with Louis through all this, help him get better, I know you can" I whispered in his ear.  He turned to hug me, and it was like a hug that was desperate for something, so I gave him the warmest hug that I could offer.

"Does anyone else know about this?" I asked Harry once he let go of me.

"You can tell only our closest friends, but I really don't wanna' be there when you do tell them, I won't be able to handle it" He said fidgeting with his hands once again.


I went to math, which I had with Calum and Michael.  I took this opportunity to tell them what happened with Louis.

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