Chapter 1 (intros)

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Clairissa's introduction

Well he my name's clairissa but call me Claire, I used to be a bad girl and super nerdy but never told anyone, never ever have I kissed anyone but no-one knows that, my mom died when I was 10 and now I live with my dad and step mom..... Their not that bad I just miss my mom she was my best friend oh well. I moved from Texas to California, well enough with my stupid introduction this is the story of my stupid cheesy yet an amazing bad boy romance and I wouldn't have changed anything that has happened even though later on you might think I'm absolutely crazy but I'm in love

(The girl play clairissa is Lily collins)


Logan's introduction

yo losers I'm Logan the famous bad boy of the small town in California, I play girls like their rag dolls and I'll admit it and I sure am proud to say that if I have looks I might as well flaunt them right...? Right!! Anyways I'm part of a gang I'm the leader and there's no doubt that a lot of people are scared of me but who cares I love the power and the feeling, I don't believe in love and never will, my dad abused my mom and my mom was head over heels in love with him and yet he hurt her, what kind of husband does that. I guess when u lived in a house so long and never saw true love, u give up on the term and longing for love just like I did. That one day when a gorgeous girl name clairissa came in my homeroom and that changed my entire life........ but it was all for the good, and I would have it any other way because I then I knew I found what true love was...... wow man I sound like a girl thanks clairey p.s. I gave her the Nick name I found it cute aha.

(Peron who is being Logan is Finn Harries)

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