► T E N

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Warning: Some gore. I don't know if i detailed it well, but please just skip this chapter. I will tell you what went on if you comment.



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Jungkook placed Mina down onto the couch. She cried out in pain as she tried to apply pressure on the area that was pouring out blood.

"Jungkook, please come back to your senses!" Mina sobbed out as she was trying to stand up. But Jungkook would push her down forcefully. He licked the remaining blood off of the corner of his lips.

"You're going to hell, Mina. And once you're there, you can be reunited with your beloved boyfriend. Except, he'll tear you to pieces." Jungkook then started to laugh emptily. His eyes changed to the dark black color as sharp claws grew out of his fingers.

"Plea-" This time she didn't scream, she just looked up with him as numerous amount of tears left her eyes. She was choking on air because he shoved those claws down her stomach.

Jungkook just smiled through all of it. Twisted his arm inside of her stomach, causing a crunching sound to come out and Mina to gasp for air. More tears came out and some blood leaked from the corner of her lips.

This is it. This was how she was going to die. Her eyes closed as she accepted her fate. If this was how she was destined to die, then there would be no point into fighting back.

Her arms fell and tears stopped. Jungkook pulled his hand out and pulled some of her insides out, the blood dripping down nonstop. A huge hole was made into her stomach.

Mina took her last breath and let her mind go as Jungkook continued to tear her apart. First her arm. Strings of skin just tried to hang on as her arm was being ripped from her body. And he went on and on, with the rest of her body.

Mina was long gone. She was watching as Jungkook tore her apart. Her soul departed from her body once she took her last breath.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this, Jungkook. If I didn't, you'd still have had your humanity." Mina spoke but of course, he wouldn't hear. She was on the other side.

Mina turned away from the heartbreaking scene and was about to leave, but a voice stopped her.

"You're going to give up, just like that?" A familiar voice rang through her ears. Turning around, she saw him. She saw the man she died for.

"Jimin." He smiled, but Mina couldn't move. Neither could Jimin.

"Come on. You aren't going to let yourself die now, are you?" Mina looked back at Jungkook, who was now devouring her body.

This wasn't real. Jimin wasn't here.

"Come on now, wake up Mina. Fight back."

"But you're not real.." She whimpered out. This was just a trick. Soon, she'd be dragged to hell.

"Baby, I'm so real." He softly said. Jimin took a step, and Mina's eyes widened. Then he took another, and another, until he reached his beloved girlfriend and cupped her face. She felt his touch and started to cry.

"Jiminie!" She sobbed out and then apologized for everything. For meeting him, for ever existing.

"Mina if you didn't exist, I would've been dead and in a way worse situation. Now I want you to stop crying and listen," And she did. "Fight back baby. Fight back for us."

She nodded rapidly and then hugged Jimin. The touch and warmth of him was there. He was here. But what she didn't know was that his humanity was here, but his demonic side was waiting to torture her for eternity.

"They're going to bring you back. And then they'll help Jungkook. When they do that-"

"Wait wait, Jimin, who?" And on cue, Namjoon and Seokjin flashed into the room. A bright light suddenly hit the whole room, spreading out of the apartment complex and into the street.

Jimin's touch faded and so did Mina's soul. She tried to hold on tighter, hoping it'd keep him and her here longer.

"I love you baby." He said. Jimin quickly pulled her closer so he could capture her lips into one more final kiss. Then he disappeared, and so did she.

The only thing that Mina would remember was Jimin's faded voice saying, "Please give up on me."

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