I Have An Idea

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I hate school. I really do.

The people are unbearable. Everyone's dying to fit in, and if you're the least bit different you get stuffed into trash cans. It's not exactly my idea of "fun". Literally everyone I see at my damned high school is either a jock, a cheerleader, or friends with one of the breeds so they're safe. In all honesty, it'd be a safe bet to say the only person I talk to is Laine.

Then there's the classes. Oh my God. It's all useless shit to me. I'm never going to use any of it in real life. Don't get me wrong, I mean I'm okay in school, I just don't like it at all. The only class I do like is art. My teacher is great and it's the one period a day where I get to do what I love and not get harassed by my pea-brained peers. Loving to draw is one of the reasons I might want to become a comic book artist or something when I grow up. But people normally just laugh when I say that.

Naturally, this stuff is why I was torn between dreading and not being able to wait to start my senior year.

I was dreading it because of... you know, but the only reason that makes sense for not being able to wait is that it's my last year of high school before I get the fuck out of there. Hopefully that makes sense. It probably didn't but oh well.

There's one thing I am sure of though and it's that I definitely did not plan on sleeping in and waking up late on the first day.

"Fuck!" I cried after getting a look at the time. I leaped out of bed and into the bathroom.  For my appearance today I decided to go with my "no fucks given" look. This includes black skinny jeans, a Misfits shirt, and black converse with hair that is only brushed and sloppily done make up. Grabbing my backpack, I raced down the stairs and greeted my parents at the kitchen table.

"G'morning," I said quickly, rummaging through the kitchen to find something to eat before I was too late for school.

My mother regarded me sourly. "You look so depressing with that outfit." I paused only to raise an eyebrow at her before continuing my search for food.

"Leave her alone," my dad said. "She's just expressing herself."

"I suppose that's one way to put it," She lowered her gaze and muttered under her breath, "Or maybe it's a death wish."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a granola bar before sprinting out the door, calling a goobye over my shoulder. Laine's car was idling on the curb in front of my house and I sighed in relief that she was still here. When I hopped into the passenger seat, it was obvious that I startled her.

She jumped in her seat and looked at me wildly. "Fuck, you scared me! I thought you died. What took you so long?"

"Slept in," I said easily, unwrapping my breakfast.

She shrugged and floored the car. "Oh yeah, Frank's in the back. Say hi." I looked over my shoulder to find her cousin waving at me. I smiled and waved back.

"I love your shirt," he said, pointing to it.

"You like the Misfits?" He nodded. "Props." I hi-fived him and turned back to face the road.

"So," Laine said coyly. "Sian, you're looking awfully short and stereotypical today. Planning on rocking the emo midget look on the first day of school?"

I threw my wrapper at her. "Yes, you motherfucking asshole."

"Colorful language you have there," Frank snickered.

"Thank you," I tipped my imaginary hat to him.

"Kind of reminds me of what happened the other day." Laine's face broke out into a grin. "Remember, when we were leaving that store? Those guys across the street?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2012 ⏰

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