I didn't say anything I just continued to sip on my hot chocolate. The employee did come out a few minutes after and gave Harry his nachos which he then softly pushed in front of me. The smell of it crawled up my nose and made my stomach growl. The mouth watering smell of beef and cheese mixed and the salsa looked amazing on it for it to be from Subway. There were also Jalapenos on it and if anyone knew me they knew I loved Jalapenos.

"It's yours. You have it," I sighed as I leaned back on the chair. Harry chuckled under his breath as he grabbed his drink again and took a sip through the straw.

"Darling, your eyes almost fell out of their socket as you looked at it," he stated and suddenly, embarrassment filled me. "Have it."

He didn't pay any more attention to the conversation after that which was nice. I didn't like it when people forced me to eat and then stared at me with every bite. He didn't even force me. He offered. That honestly made all the difference because I actually did take it after I murmured a light thank you.

Once we were done eating, Harry went to the toilet as well – it very much felt like I looked after a child – and then we could finally get back on the road. The rest of the journey was pretty smooth, not much talking. That was actually because Harry was out like a light. Thankfully, his address was in the GPS so I didn't need specific directions from him.

"Hey," I pushed his shoulder a little which was essentially all it took for him to wake up. His whole body jolted at the sudden touch and he sat up so quick, it made me bite in my lower lip to keep my laughter in.

"What's wrong? Is everything ok?" he asked in a worried tone. His vocal chords were thickly coated with sleep which made him sound very hoarse and his words resonated all throughout the car. His voice came from his chest, it felt like it at least, and for that short moment, I didn't mind listening to it. It was definitely different from the usual sound I heard coming from him.

"You just need to show your card to the man to let us in," I informed him as we stopped at the gates.

"Yeah. Um..." he tapped his thighs as he felt for whatever he needed. Once he pulled out the card, he leaned down and across my lap until he could see the man and showed it to him. "Sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep on you."

"You're alright," I mumbled. My feet pressed down on the pedal once the gates opened and we quickly made our way up the slightly steep hill. "Where should I stop?"

"Just go," he yawned into his hands and I just did as was told. "Ok-ok, calm down a little... yeah, that's my place."

Slowly, I stopped the car and I heard Harry undo his belt at the same time.

The place was white and he had no big front yard or anything. There was two small set of stairs that took him to the front door, lit up with grass on the side. The fence didn't seem too safe, then again, we had to be let in through security before I was allowed to drive up the street. The garage was right next to the path. It was a two-level house. Very modern. Very... glass-y. He had a lot of smaller, thin trees around the place which made it look even more like it was out of a magazine or something.

"So. You're home," I said as I made sure we wouldn't roll back down the slightly steep road.

"Yeah," he chuckled. "Thank you for dropping me off and everything... I know you didn't really want to and stuff."

"It's alright," I shrugged. "However, I have other things to tend to so..."

"Oh, right, yeah, sorry," he said in his deep voice, hurriedly. "Um, thank you for dropping... I said that already. Ok. Um. See you... when I see you?"

"Yeah, I suppose," he nodded and then got out of the car. My eyes followed him as he walked past my car and he turned back around and waved with a small smile before he got in.

I was half way to my brother's workplace when my eyes glanced up in the rear-view mirror and I noticed something right in the back. It was a coat hung on the plastic part in the middle and almost slipped off between the two front seats. The lights were red so I turned backwards and grabbed it quickly. At first, I thought it may have had been mine then the sudden scent hit my nose and the material of the coat was also something I knew I didn't own.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," I mumbled as I realised it was Harry's. As I remembered back to him getting out of the car, I did notice he didn't have it on. When the cars ahead began to move, I chucked the item in the seat beside me and sped off.

When I got back to the club, my brother was already outside. He had a cig in his hand which made me want to whack him in the head. I didn't like the fact that he smoked and I told him every time in a way to make him feel guilty about it so he would stop. But it didn't work just yet.

"You are not getting in my car, smelling like that," I told him as I got out with Harry's coat in my hands. I opened the front of the car and folded the item nicely before I placed it in there. "I told you I don't like that shit."

"I smoked it already. I thought you were gonna be longer," he told me as he fished for excuses. I rolled my eyes and he just shrugged. "I'll get you an air freshener."

"You mean a car freshener."

"That," he nodded. "Maybe I can get you one customised in a shape of a dick to match your personality."

"You are disgusting."

"I'll get it done for Chrimbo," he laughed loudly as he walked over to the passenger side of the car and got in. A sigh escaped my lips as I followed suit and gave up on the fight for the night.

It was a long day.

• • •

the darling part,,, yes .

we also hit 3k reads which is mind blowing as this is my first story to get this much love and support from the start in forever so thank u so much n pls don't go anywhere ok i have summ good stuff coming up for u lot hehehe

also i know there are no houses like that in england at least i've never seen anything like it so just go w it ok? thank u xo

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