"Ma'am with all means, why are you targeting these men?!" Captain america said with Ironman,Hawkeye,Thor,Black widow, Hulk ,and the new guy Falcon behind cap ready for a fight. 

Tara growls and bares her teeth licking her mouth ,and smirks looking at the buff and handsome men "I want men I need men for they give me my energy ,and you too shall give me your energy!" Tara flew straight at falcon but Hawkeye shot an explosive arrow at her blinding her but she quickly recovers and snarls at the smirking avenger.

"Hey Lady if you want a man don't go for the kid!" Hawkeye shouted but then ducked when Tara swooped and tried to claw at him, but Black widow blocked with an upper kick and Ironman blasted at Tara who dodged.

"Like your a better man." Black widow said going to hit Tara but she caught her and through her at Hawkeye.

"I don't want a woman I want a man!" Tara said and dodged Thor's hammer and Hulk's fist then Captain Americas shield and she used it to block out Ironmans blast and Falcons wings. Cap took his shield back and knocked her back."Mate I need to mate!" At this caused the avengers to look weirdly at Tara, but she used the distraction to use her pink fire but not to burn but to spread all over the park surprising them all.

"Woah hot chick that's literally hot!" Ironman joked about , but then stopped and really looked at Tara "Jarvis run a scan on our friend I think I've seen her before?" Ironman said to his Al who began a scan.

"Stark you feel like you know her too!" Thor boomed and used His hammer against the fire thrown from Tara. 
"Guys don't be paranoid! Do you really believe you met someone like her before?" Hawkeye said shooting an ice arrow to freeze the flames "I mean you guys must of had some fan girls ,but I don't think she's one of them!" He stops and yells at Tara in a funny way "By the way mis? Assuming you are a mis, but what's your name?" He dodged a fireball directed at him then padded his boots that were on fire.

"Unlike most of you I do not have the 'code name' for I only have one name given to me by birth!" She stops a punch given by Hulk but is soon pushed away by the mere force.

"Jarvis just do some modifications on her looks!" Ironman said landing on the ground "She must of changed her appearance!" Then at that moment Tony noticed something else "Uh Jarvis is she..." He trailed off. 

"It appears she is 5 months with child ,sir." Jarvis ironmans Al said with a hint of worry in his voice.

"HOLD FIRE! DO NOT ATTACK!" Ironman yelled catching everyone's attention "We can't hurt the innocent!" He informed moving toward Tara. 

"Innocent! What's so innocent about her!" Hulk demanded clearly angry about not getting enough to smash.

"You are correct Avenger! I am with child! And to think months ago I was a normal human until i was taken away to a new world! Now today I am now a LIVING NIGHTMARE AND FREAK! I must abstain your energy so I may destroy the world!" When Tara was finished she launched herself into the air to punch Falcon ,but was caught by Thor who is holding her down with her struggling in the air. "Just like good old times huh Thor? Remember that? When i was a sacrifice!" When Tara spoke those words something triggered in Tony and Thor making them come to a realization.

"TARA!" Ironman and Thor said at once causing everyone else to look at them.

"Yes it is me ,but today I'm stronger and badder then ever thanks to Bill Cipher my husband!" With that Tara went to suck the energy out of Thor but he dropped her and moved away from her ,so she takes the opportunity to strike at Hulk but he thunder claps at her making her stumble ,and pass out on the ground since she is lacking male energy.

"It wouldn't feel right hitting a pregnant woman, evil or not." Hulk said oddly calm at the moment since he's feeling bad for fighting a woman with child.

"Hulk she's not evil !" Ironman said walking closer to Tara "Her hubby Bill might of had something to do with her changing like this!" He went to body and picked it up "You guys get the civilians off that building while i take her to the tower to do some tests while she's still unconscious!" With that his rockets himself into the air leaving the avengers to scrap the civilians off building.

Tony had Tara in the holding cell but with a pillow since he's not heartless. Tony could see what what's going on with her since its some kinda magic but with Tony 'magic is just science he hasn't figured out yet'. At this time in the morning the avengers, minus Black Widow since she's with shield right now, come into his lab looking for answers about Tara and her condition "Stark! Anything new on Young Tara's condition?" Thor asked in his boomy voice. Tony just shakes his head at Thor's question making him frown.

"Uh Tony you know its okay if you don't figure this out right away! And I could help!" Falcon said offering his services as a fellow scientist.

"That won't be necessary." Hawkeye said holding a glass of water and walking to Tara opening her cell "I never miss anything and I'm improbably right about this!" And with that he moves her strapless one piece down a bit and dumped the water on her. When the water touched her marking center she woke up with a gasp "Okay I was not expecting that to work!" Hawkeye said backing away afraid and his teammates moved into battle position.

Tara feeling real dizzy couldn't see anything straight and mind is feeling fuzzy ,but she could feel her body morphing back to normal. Hair now wavy black,skin now light tan,horns tail claws wings extra sharp teeth are now dissolving into goop, and her body shifted into normal size except her chest(pregnant she's making milk). Now that her body changed her armor also changed to fit size(weird demon magic).Now that her transformation is done she sat up and walked up to Hawkeye and smiled "Thank you!"repeated this while giving him a bear hug and kissed his face multiple times in an upbeat way "You are ​now my favorite Avenger!"she said in an energetic voice then noticed where she was and looked in wonder "Woah dude this is amazing!"

"Okay I'm starting like this girl!" Hawkeye said touching his cheek making Hulk grunt at him.

"Uh Tara would you mind telling us where you've been for the past 5 months" Tony said taking off his Ironman mask showing his worried expression. 

"Yes I would also like to hear your tale!" Thor boomed putting his hammer over his shoulder. Captain pulled everyone to a corner away from Tara who is busy right now aweing at the sight of such high-tech equipment.

"Avengers i don't think we should push the matter! This young lady has probably seen some horrible sights and doesn't want to recall the matter ,besides who knows she could still be dangerous!" Captain America said in his stern voice not wanting to take chances.

"Geeze cap, the kid had a hard time but with a force like Bill Mischief Cipher around she could be the key to locking him up!"Tony said in his usual tone "Anyway if she goes demon again well just pour water on her!"

"Tony shouldn't we report her? Like to S.H.I.E.L.D or her family they must be worried! I mean the last time they seen her was at her wedding marrying an inter-dimensional demon threatening to destroy earth!" Falcon said catching looks "Hey when the world went weird I did my research!" Beat "Wait, if she's pregnant does that mean the baby is a demon!" He said wide eyed now.
"Does this mean I can smash her now!"Hulk said talking to no one and punched into his palm. All hulk got was 'no's from the team.

"Smash what?" Tara said getting in the huddle causing them to jerk back in surprise "By the way got any pickles? I have a sudden craving for pickles and ice cream and steak!"She said licking her lips.

"Yes we do Lady Tara! Follow me into the hall of feasts to slay your hunger!" Thor said leading Tara to the kitchen to eat. 

"We'll let her stay for awhile , so no calling s.h.i.e.l.d ,but call her parents and let them know she's alive."Tony said to Falcon who nodded.

Bill Cipher's bride!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora