1 {Prologue}

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May 12th. 3 years ago.

"Alright, Gladys, it's time to push!"

"No, God no." Gladys groans.

FP presses his lips to the side of her head. "You got this sweetheart, I'm right here for you. Squeeze my hand." He reaches for her hand and holds on tight, letting her squeeze as hard as she needs. "Push, baby, push!"

Gladys screams as she pushes, tears streaming steadily down her face as she gives birth to a child she's not even sure she wants.

FP cheers her on the whole time. Excited to meet the little miracle they're bringing into the world.

They hadn't been trying for a baby. Well, Gladys hadn't been. She's never been a huge baby person. Never really saw herself having children. But FP? FP wanted kids. So when she had started feeling nauseous and was late she prayed it wasn't what she thought.

FP was ecstatic when she told him the news, he's really the only reason she went through with the pregnancy. The way his eyes lit up every time he mentioned their baby warmed her heart, even if she didn't have that same love for their unborn child.

"I can't do this." Gladys gasps in between pushes.

It's been a long, hard labour and she's exhausted and in a hell of a lot of pain.

"Yes you can, just think about our baby girl. She's almost here, just a few more pushes!" FP encourages.

She pushes as hard as she can the next few times and soon they hear the cries of their baby girl as she comes into the world.

"You did it, honey! I'm so proud of you!" FP kisses her forehead, her temple, her cheek before landing one on her lips.

The nurse comes over with their crying baby in her arms. Swaddled in a pink blanket. She places her on Gladys' chest as she wails loudly.

"She's so perfect." FP comments, reaching out to touch the baby girl's hand. She wraps her fist around his finger and stops crying instantly.

"She likes you."

"How do you know that? She was just born."

"She stopped crying the second she held your hand. She's definitely a daddy's girl."

FP smiles at that and leans down to kiss the baby girl's head before pressing a soft to kiss to Gladys' lips. "Thank you for giving me this little miracle. I love you."


FP is sitting in a chair beside Gladys' bed, holding their baby girl in his arms. Gladys fell asleep over an hour ago so it's just him and his little girl.

"Hi princess, it's me, your daddy. I love you so much and you just got here. I am going to spoil you rotten, I promise. I'll get you anything you want. If you want a pony I'm buying you a whole horse ranch. Anything to see you smile-"

A nurse walks in as he's talking to the baby. "Oh sorry, Mr Jones. I was coming to ask if you had a name chosen for her yet but I can come back when your wife is awake if you'd like?"

"That's okay. We already chose her name ahead of time."

"Perfect," She smiles as she walks over with paperwork in hand. "what are you naming this little angel?"

"Isabelle Pendleton Jones."

"How precious." The nurse smiles as she writes down the name. "I'll get her birth certificate ready for you. Congratulations."

"Thank you." FP smiles at her and then turns his attention back to his daughter.

"Hey, Ellie, I hope you're okay with that little nickname. I'm so stoked you're finally here. I love you so much baby girl, you have no idea. This has been the longest nine months of my life but God... you were so worth it." She yawns and FP chuckles. "You tired, angel? Want me to sing to you? Let's see, what can I sing?"

He thinks about it for a moment before deciding on something.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you."

He stops the song short when he sees his baby girl fast asleep in his arms. "Night, night princess. I love you so much."

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