Pending Further Enquiries

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'How many times! I didn't do it! Why would I want to hurt those kids!' She says

'Well batteries from the attic smoke alarm,two different alibis and a pack of Grantham cigarettes in your bag say you did miss beaker'

'I get what it looks like but Dennis Stockle has had it in for me since he got to the Dumping Ground..elmtree' she says

'And why do you think that is?'

'Because he thinks I'm a threat. He wants me and mike out the way so he can take control and I won't let that happen!'

'We're going off topic. Where were you at 10:30 AM when the fire alarm went off?'

'I was in the garden..I'd gotten a call from my foster mum she said she's going to New York today unexpectedly she called me from the airport..'

'And is there anyone who could testify this?'

'No I was alone'

'Okay..i think we have all we need for now..interview paused at 11:00 AM'

Tracy looks up at the clock Gus wouldn't be happy in this interview it was 11:03 and he would definitely have pointed that out

'So now what?' She asks them

'Well as you have been released pending further enquiries you're free to go'

Tracy thanks the interviewer before leaving and sees a phone by reception

She goes over and punches in the numbers as it's an old phone and waits for an answer

The guard walks away as the phone connects

'Mike?' She says

'Dennis Stockle how can I help you'

'Get mike' she simply says trying not to get angry

'Sorry Mr Milligan isn't here at the moment may I take a message?'

'Yes. I'm coming back. They released me. And once I'm back you'll be sorry' she says hanging up

She gets her stuff back from the front desk and starts walking back as It's a long walk back to Elmtree

When she eventually gets back she's tired but still angry she takes a look at the building before walking in

'Tracy!' Mike says

'They released me. Pending further enquiries.' She says

He falls silent

'Aren't you shocked? Aren't you going to call them and tell them they're wrong?' She says grabbing her stuff

'I take it the kids don't believe me?' She says

'They're in shock Tracy and so am I' mike says

'Yeah. Me too. I'm shocked that you think I'm an arsonist.' She says trying not to cry grabbing her bag and coat and heading out the door

'Tracy wait! I'm sorry' mike says

She turns round to face him unable to look him in the eye. Tears falling by the second.

'Me too. Sorry I even accepted this job. And sorry I let you back into my life.'

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