"Oh, Lance, isn't he a vision?" Coran said as Keith walked towards the two. Keith blushed as he felt the prince's eyes on him.

"You look - wonderful," Keith smiled and Coran wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"Come come, you must be famished. Let me help you, my boy," Coran pulled Keith towards the table and sat him down in one of the chairs "there we go - ah - quite comfy?" Keith nodded and Lance pushed his chair in before sitting down at the table, as did Coran.

"Uh. It's - It's not often that we have such a lovely dinner guest, eh Lance?" Lance, however, had taken to staring at the boy. Keith's eyes lit up when he saw the fork on the table. He remembered what Matt had said and picked it off the table. He started to run it through his hair and glanced up at the two, who just gave him a weird look. Keith quickly put the fork down and bit his lip, avoiding eye contact with the two.

Coran lit a match and started to light his pipe. Keith heard the match and glanced up, he smiled seeing the pipe. Coran caught his gaze and smiled at the boy.

"Uh, do you like it? It is rather - fine," Coran handed Keith the pipe and the prince studied it. Before Coran could finish his sentence, Keith blew the pipe and smoke ended up blowing into Coran's face. When the smoke cleared, Coran's face had been darkened by the smoke. Lance and Colleen burst out laughing.

"Oh, my!" Colleen cried out as she handed Coran a napkin. Lance coughed and tried to cover his laughing.

"Ahem, so sorry Coran". Colleen caught the smiled and handed over to the prince, whose smile was now gone.

"Why, Lance, that's the first time I've seen you smile in weeks," Keith smiled, he was overjoyed knowing that he brought a much-needed smile to the prince.

"Oh, very amusing. Colleen, my dear, what's for dinner?" Coran asked as he wiped his face and set the napkin down, Colleen smiled.

"Oooh, you're gonna love it. Chef's been fixing his specialty, stuffed crab."


Colleen soon returned with their dishes and Coran turned to Lance.

"You know, Lance, perhaps our young guest might enjoy seeing some of the sights of the kingdom. Something in the way of a tour?" Lance was still staring at the boy and turned to Coran with a smile."

I'm sorry, Coran, what was that?" Coran gave Lance a look and sighed.

"You can't spend all your time moping about, you need to get out," Coran lifted the lid off his plate and Keith's eyes widened when he saw Slav on the plate. The crab gave him a look of help and Keith lifted the top of his plate and motioned for Slav to hurry over. "Do something, have a life," Coran said just as Slav ran across the table and onto Keith's plate. "Get your mind off -," Lance chuckled.

"Easy, Coran, Easy," Keith then lifted Slav off the plate and into his pant pocket. "It's not a bad idea. If he's interested. Well--," Lance turned to Keith who slammed the lid shut on his plate. "Whaddaya say? Would you like to join me on a tour of Arus tomorrow?" Keith nodded and Coran clapped his hands.

"Wonderful, now let's eat, before this crab wanders off my plate," Coran went to stab his fork into the crab on his plate but his eyes widened when he saw that there was no crab on his plate.


Come evening, Colleen showed Keith his bedroom and he was given a pair of pajamas. The pajamas consisted of a pair of loose purple pants with a match long-sleeved pajama shirt. Keith was now standing on the balcony of his bedroom watched as Lance played with Blue.

Fathoms BelowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora