Pt 16:confusion

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Let's begin...

It took some moments for her to realise what exactly she heard from krish.
She got betrayed again.. Isn't it?

Ragini just smiled

Just smiled whole hearted, may be everyone around her found that she is too kiddish and immature to understand the reality.

Ragini:was this the reason that you avoided me?
She asked him casually, this wasn't the big thing for her as from recent days she gets such big surprises very then and now.

He had no answer for her question.
He couldn't meet her because he felt he couldn't face her.

The reason was silly but he felt he was to be blamed for every situation
He came in between swara and sanskar. If he didn't have been married swara or he didn't even tried to know swara's wish. May be everything would be on it's place now. Everyone would be happy on their lives. According to his thoughts.

But it's just a simple thought, because our each and every moment has a owner, that's God. Everything goes according to his planning and whatever happens are happening only for the good, because the routes would be broken difficult and what not?! But one thing is clear that is beautiful destination at the last moment!

Ragini understood his answer by his silence.

Ragini smiles:now stand, now your knees may be aching and to the fact you are not proposing me.

She was so free and he just didn't even had a thought that she would forgive him this soon!

Ragini:arey uth bhi jao ab.

He stood.

Ragini smiles:you may feel why i am not angry at you but to the fact my anger is burning and i am so hurt and frustrated that at this moment i am wishing to kill you!

Here Sanskar or Swara didn't even utter a single word once after Ragini left.

Swara could fix the puzzle now.
Krish's anger his words and most importantly him referring Ragini
Everything was just clear like a water flow.

Isn't it a joke that living in the same state they didn't meet each other since these years but after Ragini came everything was so easy like blinking eyes.
It was such a big joke.

And now when this girl whom he had to question a lot about the betrayal is just 2 steps away from him and he couldn't ask anything.. But why?
Was his brother was right?


Rishi smiles:it happened. The impossible thing happened.

Sanskar just looks at him

Rishi:today i could see a new sanskar. Nah.. I guess the old one. The concern the worry (he moves to him and removes the lone tear from his cheeks) and these tears for whom sanskar? The girl whom you felt suffocated to live with? or if i am not wrong the girl who has become the reason for your living!?

Sanskar was blank

Rishi:i know sanskar, you have moved on long back but you know what is the reason which is stopping you? You have become coward by masking this new sanskar. Be the old one, just be yourself the mischievous talkative happy go lucky guy i am missing him. and do what your heart says! I don't have much things to advise you but except one, it may be late but never too late. I hope you will realise and understand your heart what exactly it wants?!

He goes to check Ragini leaving the sanskar who was in the mixture of feelings!

Flashback ends.

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