Salaam... The Greeting Of Islām💫

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Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatul lAh wa baraka tuh.
I hope every Ukht and Akhi is doing just great.
Alright, Alhamdulillah!

This Book has been started only for the love of the Deen in my heart.
I always wanted to do something no matter how small, for the Deen.

I decided to use the talent gifted to me by my Rabb; Well... Writing Poems.
I decided to put it in to work by composing inspiring and life changing Poems.. Or so I hope😉

We all aim for Jannah. But remember, Allah Has told us that His Jannah is not acquired by our wishful thinking. We need to work for it!

So in my own opinion, I think the way to Jannah, is by loving the Religion itself.
Loving it will bring about worshipping Allah the way it should be, dedicating time and energy for it's sake, and putting in time to attain more knowledge of the Religion.

This book will make you fall in love with Allah, His Messengers and His Religion In sha Allah. And fall in love with everything beloved to Him.

It'll make you want to get closer to Him, and yearn to meet Him.
It'll contain soft writings that'll melt your heart.
But if only you open your heart 😉

So... Let's all meet in Jannah... Inn Sha Allah 🙏💟

Assalamu alaikum 💫

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