Chapter 35

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Taylor's POV

I stayed at Jordan's until the weekend. His Mom was really nice and kind about it and didn't care. I was in a really good mood after another football win on Friday. It meant that I couldn't put the conversation off with my parents for much longer.

I took Jordan up on the offer to come with me so we headed to my house mid-morning. After hyping myself up for this conversation I was glad that my parents were home because if they were I would have had to have it later and I don't know if I would be able to.

They looked a little shocked to see us since I hadn't told them that I was going to be coming today.

"Taylor, it's good to see you," Mom started.

"Let's have this conversation at the table," I suggested, cutting over her, not wanting to have it standing in the entrance way.

No one talked for a minute as we relocated into the dining room with Jordan and I settling on the opposite side to my parents.

"We just wanted to start by saying that we are sorry," Mom started again.

"About which thing?" I asked.

"Everything Taylor. Starting with the latest thing we are sorry about how it came across with your boyfriend. We didn't mean to come across like that," Mom continued.

"And we would be honoured to get to know your boyfriend," Dad finished.

Jordan squeezed my hand under the table before offering me a smile.

"That would be a start. Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend Jordan. He plays on the football team with me," I introduced.

They exchanged pleasantries as Jordan introduced himself a bit better before the conversation turned back to me.

"Without trying to be rude, how did this come to be?" Mom asked.

"I don't know exactly when but I started to get the feeling that I wasn't as interested in girls as my teammates were. So, I talked to a couple of people at school before realising that I'm gay. Jordan noticed that I was acting quite strange and when he talked to me about it I told him about it and he told me that he was also gay before later asking me on a date," I explained.

"And how come you didn't talk to us about it?" Mom asked.

"Because you were never fucking here. Ever since Ellie and Scott when to college the two of you have been going away more and it was just illustrated by the fact that we are moving again and the only person that has to leave was the last person to know," I snapped.

*/"And we are sorry about that as well but we didn't realise that we were hurting you."

"And that's the thing. I often got forgotten about."

Mom and Dad looked a little shocked since they never realised that was what was happening.

"Taylor, we are really sorry that that has happened and we want to stop this," Dad said.

I nodded and honestly hoped that this would be true. There wasn't a whole heap more to say on the subject yet so it moved back to talking about Jordan. My parents seemed to like him but the whole conversation was very polite.

"How is the football team going?" Mom asked.

"We still haven't lost yet so it is going well," Jordan explained.

"And are you hoping to play college football after next year?" Dad asked him.

"I would love to. I love playing football and would love to play for as long as possible," Jordan explained.

I smiled at him and I was starting to get a little sick of the serious conversation. Luckily Jordan's phone started going off at the same time as Jordan's which gave as a good distraction. All it was was our group chat going off about something trivial but it stopped the conversation.

"I think that this has been enough for today and we can talk about it more later if you want," Jordan suggested.

I was glad that Jordan could read me so well and even gladder when my parents agreed. Jordan and I stood up and I showed him to my room and we collapsed straight onto the bed.

"That went well," he mumbled into my shoulder.

"Yeah, it will still take a bit of time but hopeful things will change for the better," I smiled.

He nodded before grabbing his phone and we scrolled through the group chat together. It wasn't anything that I really cared about. It was mostly just Hugh telling everyone about a party and a whole bunch of enthusiastic responses.

"Have you thought about telling Calvin, Liam and Nick?" I asked Jordan.

"I have to admit that I have thought about it," he said slowly.

"Do you think that they would be okay with it?" I asked.

"None of them have said anything that would give an indication that they wouldn't."

"Then if it is ok with you I think I want to tell them about us."

"I would like to. It would nice for them to know."

We were planning to all go around to Jordan's place to get some work done so we decided to tell them then. It meant that just in case something goes wrong then they could leave if they wanted to.

"I'm sure it'll be fine," Jordan reassured me.

I was less nervous about telling them that I had been about this conversation with my parents. I couldn't tell you what it was but I was more sure that that conversation would go well.

"Do you want to do anything this afternoon?" Jordan asked me.

"Not really"

He smiled and we spent the afternoon curled up together on the bed.


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