Look at me Mom, you're my number 1

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There goes my alarm clock.

I woke up, as I have learned to wake up for everyday of my life - slowly, degree by degree, without giving a hint that I have gained consciousness. Then I see Mom nearby, feeling and looking for any sign that I've woke up.

I opened my eyes, smiled and in my mind, I began to say, " Good morning Mom. I'm so glad to be given another day to see you." But when I tried to speak, all I said was, "Ello Ma!"

With a smile on her face, Mom helped me get up from bed and began to prepare all the things I will use for my bath and much later, my school. 

"Good morning baby. Come on, it's time for your bath. Hurry up or we'll be late again for school."

Yipee, water play! Mom did most of the washing. I stood under the shower and watched myself get cleaned up. I tried to help, I reached for the soap but it slipped from my hand. I began to flip my hand and play with my fingers. 

"Baby, it's okay. Don't touch anything, you might accidentally hurt yourself."

After bath time, Mom started to dress me up in my school uniform. I helped pull up my pants and tried to button my shirt but ended up pulling all the buttons. Mom reached for my hand, put it aside and finished dressing me. 

"Come on, let's go downstairs. Time to eat. I prepared your favorite breakfast, garlic rice and hotdog." 

Wow, my favorite! I reached for my spoon and fork and began to eat with gusto. Mom, sitting beside me, began to chatter. 

"Eat slowly baby. By the way, your Dad called from the US last night. He really wanted to talk to you but I did not have the heart to wake you up. And, he has a surprise for you. Guess what?! He bought a Thomas Train for you! Are you excited baby?"

I looked at Mom and in my mind I began to tell her how grateful I am for her and my Dad, how happy they are making me. Loudly, I said, " Wow, choo-choo train! Give me!"

Mom drove me to school while I played with my favorite toy, my very own lego blocks. 

"Here we are. Come on baby, let's go inside. You be a good boy now. Listen to your teacher and don't 

cause any trouble. Come here, give me a hug and a kiss before you go inside. Mwah! Love you baby, 

I'll wait for you outside. Show me your star later, okay?"

I went inside the room and saw my teacher. I smiled at her and thought, "She looks just like Mom. They are both pretty and kind." 

"Moning Teacher!" 

"Good morning! You're early today. How about a high five before we start? Go play with your classmates first. We have lessons all about shapes later. Remember, no pushing, okay?" 

I looked around and saw my classmates. I showed them my toy and we began to play. 

"Okay, pack away, time to start....." Our class began; our lessons came. 

There goes another day at school.

I see Mom peeking at the window. I got my bag and headed for the door. Belatedly, I looked back, saw my teacher, and said, "Bye Teacher!" 

"How is your school baby? Wait for me outside, I'll just talk to your teacher." 

As I began to walk away from my room, I heard Mom asking my teacher, "How is he teacher? How is his behavior and writing? Can he follow the lessons?"

After a while, Mom walked towards me. Time to go home. Where's my lego toy? I see it on the table. I grabbed my lego, held Mom's hand and headed for the car.

Mom's not starting the car. What could possibly be wrong? Then I see her misty eyed and with a faint smile on her face. Slowly, she turned towards me. In her eyes, I saw all the love shining through. 

"I'm proud of you baby! Your teacher told me how well you are coping with your lessons, and how you are trying to write and copy properly. Good job, baby!"

I smiled and felt a bubble of hope and laughter surging inside me. "Love you Ma! Me, good boy!" 

Just then, Mom hugged me tightly, not enough to hurt, but enough to assure me and let me feel how much I'm loved.

In that moment, I wanted very much to tell her how much I love her, how I feel deep inside - that no matter who I am and what I've become, I am just an ordinary kid, a regular student with special needs, a kid blessed with extraordinary parents and teachers.

I returned her hug, looked at her eyes and smiled. "Okay, we go."

I used to grumble incessantly when I see other children, talking and playing and enjoying all that their good lives have to offer. I look at myself in the mirror, thinking, what would have happened if I were ordinary, a normal kid? But then again, every time I see Mom crying or otherwise finding fault in herself or at sad times, asking God what she did wrong, I begin to realize that what I am is no one's fault. Just like other children, I am seen in God's eyes as his number one child.

I am a blessing, God's tool and messenger for acceptance and understanding, for patience and compassion, for love and care, and for all the good things in this world.

I looked at Mom as she was driving, and in my mind, I told her, "Look at me Mom. You're my Number 1."

Look at me Mom, you're my number 1Where stories live. Discover now