Allah: Wow. Even as a killer, you really got it bad for her.

Varian: (lovestruck) Oh you have no idea.

(He grab his bag and head to his class. In Ms. Pearl geology class, Varian took a sit next to Miguel. Students came in as well as class begin.)

Pearl: Good morning class. I hope you all have a great weekend. Now I have a special announcement to tell, we have a new student. But he prefer to remind anonymous. So say hello to W.

(Coming in is the pale teen, Varian heart stop cold. That kid is W? He looks older than him. The students can feel a cold air in class. W stare at the students, as if he is looking for someone. Varian remind still, not to give out his status. W sigh and walk to a desk by a window.)

Pearl: W-Well, welcome to Toontown High W. Hope you'll enjoy it.

W: For my work to solve this case, thank you.

Pearl: O-Okay. So for our lesson today we will discuss-

(Throughout the class, Varian can't help but feel W is glaring on his back. He try to focus on his work, but find it hard to focus with W preference. At lunch, he brought his bag with leftovers from last night and head to his friends table.)

Tom: Hey Var. you okay?

Varian: F-Fine. Just surprise that a detective is in our school.

Miguel: He's doing his job to solve this Gealach case, and I hope so. Gealach is a murderer.

Judy: I agreed.

Varian: (turn and blush) Judy! H-Hi!

Judy: Mind if I sit with you?

Hiro: Sure.

Judy: Thanks.

(She took a sit next to Varian, who is blushing. He took a few stare at her eating her lunch, sometimes he look away to not show some suspicious. Suddenly, W came to the table.)

W: Hello student.

Tom: Hey.

Judy: W. Hello, what brings you here?

W: Well, I was hoping you join me. My mother have a well meal and I want you to join us.

Judy: Me?

W: Yes, after all. You are the most charming angel I seen in music class.

Varian: (whisper) What?

(Is he flirting with Judy? He can feel a pulse of jealousy in him. Hiro can feel air going dead, he doesn't like this.)

Judy: I-I am flatter W, but I don't know. I don't really know you very well due to keeping your identity a secret from Gealach.

W: My dear, just because I hide myself from other doesn't mean I should hide from you. So, what do you say?

(Varian growl in a jealous rage, he is trying to take away Judy when he finally got her to notice him. His fist tighten.)

Judy: I'm sorry, but maybe later. I appreciate it.

W: (sigh) I see. If you change your mind, do tell me.

Judy: Okay.

(W walk away from the table. Varian forget all of his fear on W, replace by jealousy.)

Tom: Wow Judy, you got a man of the law hitting on you.

Judy: Well, he is doing his job to solve this Gealach case. But I'm not interested in going on a date.

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