"I don't kiss and tell," I hummed. Niall snorted as he leaned his head back and his laughter filled the room. "What? It's true."

"Like hell it is," he shook his head. "You constantly tell me how good of a fuck that Cecilia-,"


"-girl is but you won't tell me about Kensington?" he looked at me like I was crazy and shrugged my shoulders. It didn't feel right to talk about that woman. "Are you in love with her or something?"

"No," I stated right away. The room suddenly became quite hot so I shrugged my blazer off which left me in my baby blue shirt. I rolled up the sleeves once the buttons were undone therefore my tattoos slowly but surely got exposed. After both of them were up, my Rolex watch caught the sunshine that came from the windows and I made sure it went into Niall's eyes.

"Son of a bitch, get it away from me," he laughed as he kicked my knee. He sat sideways on the couch with one of his legs bent and up whilst the other – the one he kicked me with – was stretched out. He kept his big head up with his hand, his fingers folded in as his knuckles pressed against his temple. The right was on his thigh, his e-cig wrapped between his bony fingers.

"Don't know how you manage in business with that foul mouth of yours."

"Eh, I scam my way through it, honestly," he commented but it was obviously a joke. "So, your hook up. Do share it."

"I haven't seen Celia since Kensington's event."

"You are so difficult, no wonder you don't have a woman."

"I don't own women, Niall," I rolled my eyes as I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I had a missed call from one of my other friends but it didn't bother me too much. Whenever I called him, he usually ignored me, too. "But anyway. Why are you actually here? Other than telling me that you are basically stalking my assistants on social media."

"One, I don't stalk them. I follow them both and they follow me, too. I was bound to see their posts," he explained. "Two, I said why I'm here. You ghosted me for almost a week. I need my drinking buddy to come out with me this weekend."

"What makes you think I have time to go out and get pissed?"

"I have known you forever – you never work on weekends."

"Well, what if I do now? Things and people change..."

"Just say you don't want to come out and go," he sighed as he gave up. I knew he tried to make me feel bad. He did that many times. He did a lot of things to get stuff out of me and to ensure I agreed to things.

"Yeah and then have you on my arse for the next two years about this one time I declined a night out?" I laughed as the words rolled off my tongue and my fingers brushed through my hair. "No, cheers. I guess I'm gonna have to go and watch out for you."

"Please. The minute we'll get there, you'll be half drunk already."

"Highly doubt it but okay."

• • •

So, I was half way drunk by the time we got to the club that weekend.

But, in my defence, it was because of peer pressure. Niall threw prinks at this pub in town – he just basically invited people to have a drink with him – and then he convinced everyone to go to this club. Somehow, even Celia ended up out with us which was nice because that meant I had a body to shove under mine later on.

Ever since the charity ball, I haven't had sex with anyone and unfortunately, my hands didn't quite work the same as someone's mouth or warm hole. It just made me feel different, in a good way.

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