Sour Then Sweet(Kyoya)

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Y/n's P.O.V.

I was laying in Kyoya's bed just reading my favorite book as he worked on his desk. I think he was working on Host Club funds or something like that because he's using his black book, I never know what that man is working on to be honest. I close my book after placing my bookmark and get up from the bed. I go behind Kyoya and wrap my arms around his neck and he closes his book so I can't see what's in there. Typical... But anyway, I kiss his neck slowly and move my hands to unbutton his beige button-up shirt. He moans softly but grabs my wrist to stop me from un-doing his buttons,

"Y/n, as much as I would love to do that with you right now, I do have work to do and I can't be distracted."Kyoya says, still holding onto my wrist.

"Come on Kyoya, loosen up a bit. You can do the work later."I say. I kiss his neck some more and reach for his buttons again only to be stopped for a second time. I sigh in frustration,

"I really should be doing the work now, sorry. Perhaps later, if I'm not busy."He says.

"Ugh, whatever. I'm gonna take a nap."I say and go back onto the bed. I go under the blankets and go to sleep.

~Time Skip~

I start to feel hands rest on my side and waist, and soft lips on my neck and jaw. I turn and see Kyoya kissing my neck, jaw, chest, shoulder and down my arms. "Hello sleepyhead, I'm finally done with my work."Kyoya says as his hands run up and down my body. I tense in a good way but not so that he notices,

"You know, I'm so very tired Kyoya, maybe I should just go to sleep already, perhaps later, if I'm not tired. I'm sure you understand, don't you honey?"I smirk and dramatize. I turn away from him and I hear him scoff. He grabs me by my waist and twists my body around and once he's done that, he moves my head and makes me look towards him. He gets incredibly close to my ear and whispers,

"I don't think so Y/n."He then proceeds to run his hands up and down my body again and he nibbles on my earlobe. I smile and push him back so he can face me,

"First you're sour, then you're sweet huh?"I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Whatever, I was doing work for the-"I cut him off.

"Yeah Kyoya I couldn't care less, just shut the hell up and kiss me."I say, he smiles and kisses me. He's lucky I didn't fully reject him...

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