Prolouge. Thing.

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The room Harry was in was warm and the bed was soft. But there was something missing. He reached out his hand, frowning when he found what was missing. Louis. His Louis... Where was he? Harry sat up, blinking as he opened his eyes and they adjusted to the light in the room.

And he found him with his bags in his hands and his shoulders shaking and a phone pressed to his ear. "Yeah, El. I know. I'm leaving now. No, I can't just... He'll be crushed. I can't... Yeah. Okay. I'll see you soon.... Love you too."

Harry sucked in a sharp breath, his green eyes going huge. Louis heard it and whipped around, nearly dropping the bags the way Harry's heart had dropped to the pit of his stomach. Louis' shock wore off as he saw tears well in Harry's eyes.

Harry always cried easily. It was something Harry hated about himself but something Louis adored. It made him softer somehow, more... Harry. But now Harry's crying shattered Louis' heart.

"Harry..." The blue-eyed boy started.

Harry shook his head. "Who were you talking to? On the phone?" He asked quietly, his voice quiet and raspy from just waking up and being 17.

Louis bit his lip, glancing down at the phone that was still in his hand. "Um. That was - that was Eleanor. Um. My girlfriend." He murmured, so quiet Harry nearly missed it.

"What?" Harry breathed, his shoulders slumping as he stared at his... Friend. In pain.

Louis rubbed the back of his neck with the hand that was holding his phone, not meeting Harry's gaze. "Yeah. Um. I'm going to go meet her now. I've organised a separate room so I'm moving all my stuff." Louis told him, eyes darting around the room - anywhere but the bewildered boy in front of him.

"What?" Harry repeated, his voice sounding pained and forced.

Louis finally looked up at him, shrugging slightly and dropping his arm. "There's nothing between us, right? No hard feelings? That's what we said at the start anyways. No feelings. Just friends. We're best friends." He muttered, like he was convincing himself.

And. Yeah. Harry remembered that. But he'd thought that Louis felt different as time went on... Just like Harry did. Harry bit his lip, nodding and looking down at where his hands were shaking on the sheets. He steadied them, nodding again.

"Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Um. Have fun?" He told his best friend, looking back up at him with shiny green eyes.

Louis nodded, stepping backwards and opening the door. He turned around, shoulders shaking slightly. He faced the hallway of the hotel, before pausing and glancing back at Harry. "I, uh. I'm also moving out when we get back. Something about management and I... I kinda want my own place, y'know? With Eleanor and all."

Harry nodded, emotionless.

"Love you, Haz." Louis told him, giving a soft smile.

And Harry nodded again, not smiling. Not replying. Louis' smile fell, before he took a final deep breath and left the hotel room, closing the door behind him.

Leaving Harry with - why? And what a horrible way to wake up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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