Non canon halloween special

Depuis le début

"Yes very good" iron wood said trying to grab the object but was quickly smacked by ozpin

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"Yes very good" iron wood said trying to grab the object but was quickly smacked by ozpin.
"No James this is are last chance don't blow it" ozpin said he touched the key and looked through his book. "No-NO THIS IS ALL WRONG!" He yelled flipping through ten pages. "What do you mean!" Weiss yelled furious. He slapped the book shut. He looked at us with a grim look. "I'm sorry there is nothing to do we failed we're in a endless cycle." He said he put the book down and pulled out a gun and shot iron wood in the head killing him. We all stood shocked. He then took the gun to his own head and killed him self. Me and my team back away from the dead body's some of us even threw up from the scene. After Weiss wipes her mouth she went over to the book ozpin had in his cold dead hand a she read through the book. "What know?" I asked only to hear a sound that strikes fear into are hearts.

I felt a hand on my shoulder as I look to see my sister Yang standing there. "We fight till the end Ruby" she said I picked my self up and ready my gun.....and My uncles.

Play this and remember who is who and you should get it.
We all stood together in the middle of the prison shooting down hordes and hordes of endless grim. As we get down with the wave I see Yang walk around the corner I fallow to see her go near a trapeziums beowolf and smashed it into death beating its skull in killing it. As we run through the prison I noticed something.....the walls theysaid "no escape"
And "except death" those words keep crawling in my head whispering thought of suicide out of the crazy world. I look down at my Guns......mine and uncle Yn,s gun. I start to cry again but wipe them away. As we walk we hear another loud screech. Then we heard a voice.
"Come out to play" a female voice said. We looked at each other then down the hall to see..........are freinds but they were different
They were almost.....grim.


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So make some of the character you know and combine them with grim

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So make some of the character you know and combine them with grim.
But that's not all......I front of all of them was..........Yn,s human body.....decade and dirty. I can see some of his skull showing were his scar is. His wing which was a amazing jet black now nothing but bones.
I dropped my guard and all of the grim or what was my freinds ran after us. We aimed back at them. It was hard for me to find the courage but I did and took aim with my guns and shot as did the rest of my team. "There too many!" I yelled me Blake ran to the elevator. I look to see the grim surround Weiss as she breaks down by a wall that has blood on it that reads "no escape" and like that my freind was torn apart. I cried as I get to the elevator me and Blake enter. I looked at yang. "Come on we dont have much time" I said reaching for her. But she gave me a sad look. "I you Ruby" she said "Yang?" I asked yang slammed the elevator door shut and turned around to face the army of grim. The elevator goes up. "Yang no!" I yell but I was held back by Blake. I watch as Yang shot and killed a few of the grim only to run out of ammo and get killed right by the elevator entrance. I couldn't stop the tears.

As we get to the top I look to see Blake holding her sword facing another grim...with red hair and bull horns ..his hand was a katana. Blake ran at the grim only to be stabbed in the stomach and fell to the ground. Blake with the last of her energy looked at the grim as it picked her up and through her off the roof into the water below. At that I distance my self from all the grim. I use the last of my power and activated my silver eyes. I watch all the grim burn to death as they caught on Fire.

But I heard foot steps. I look to see Yn I top of the roof with his skin burning alive. He slowly walked to me. Once he was In front Of me I looked into his cold dead eyes. He used one hand And placed it around my neck chocking me. He lift me up over the prison. I look at his eyes to see tears fall down. I had some of my own two. With my last breath I see a light. A break in this endless cycle of death. And like that Yn snapped my neck killing me. As he dropped my body into the ocean we're I sank to the bottom of the sea.

Author pov
I pick up the book that Weiss last read. And close it and pick up the artifact that was abandoned during the fight of their lives.
I look behind me to see Grim Yn. "I'm sorry you had to do that." I said only to receive no reply. "You want to die" I asked this I got a nod. I picked up Blake's sword and handed it to him. He got on his knees and took Blake blade and Put it through his already dead heart. I took out Yamato and cut off his head.

158 till the end
As his soul was collected I looked back at the screen directly at the reader. "Happy Halloween.......I'll see you agin reader.....oh and one more thing......this is non canon remember that. Also" i said summoning a rose out of thin air. He walked to the ocean above We're Ruby's body was. "Happy birthday little red" I said and like that the world around us crumbled into nothingness.

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