hell of a day

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Hizashi arrived at his house and the fear rose and anxiety inside him, he doesn't have a good home life his dad is a alcoholic and his mom is just never home he and his dad never know where she goes not that neither of them care anymore anyways she just comes and goes and when she does come back she just says hi and then leaves again Hizashi tries to hide from her when she does come because his dad and her get into a argument and it can get pretty bad. 

as he steps in the front door he calls out "i'm home!" he makes sure extra hard not to let his quirk out when he speaks to his dad because his dad has before hit him over the head with a beer bottle once for doing it. his dad made a grunt noise in response to Hizashi so he just rushes up to his room and sits down at his desk and does his homework from class.

when he finishes it he goes down to the kitchen to look for some food but before he can his dad yells at him "there isn't any thing in there, i ate it all." Hizashi turns to his dad and ask "what do i eat for dinner?" his dad looks at him and shrugs "don't know don't care." and his dad turns back to the TV. Hizashi's stomach growls so he turns on his heels and rushes up to his room and finds his piggy bank he tips it over and spills out the contents he found $5 and some change so he puts it in his pocket and grabs his headphones and put them on and play his music and runs out the door, once he gets outside he starts walking down the road quickly to town to find something to eat he stars searching through his music and finds a good song and plays it. he hates how his life is like this that's why he wants to be a superhero so he can afford some food and a nice house and some new clothes he hates how he has to struggle just for some food to eat but its how it is right now so he decided to work extra hard and have a good life for him.

once Hizashi is close to town he gets excited and his mouth fills with saliva he is really hungry but he feels someone grab him from behind and throw him to the ground Hizashi lifts himself off the ground and gets on his hands and knees and looks up to find three bigger boys in front of him they look rather strong one has a crocodile head and one has red hair and the other has orange hair the all have muscles and mean glares the red hair one looked at him and shot lasers at the ground in front of him and said "lets make this quick, gave me all the stuff you have." the orange haired one was floating a rock and said "fork it over." Hizashi said "but i need-" the red haired one shot the ground again and the orange one through the rock at his head making Hizashi groan and hold his head where the rock hit him." the red haired one said in a growl "now kid." Hizashi was silent and didn't move he could have used his quirk but he didn't want the cops to get involved or kill the boys he also could get locked up for using it, it is prohibited to use your quirk in public, the orange haired kid made a bigger rock hover and went to toss it but before he could the rock feel beside him and he said "what the fuck is going on?" the red hared one tried to use his lasers but they wouldn't come as he was trying he got pissed off and rushed over to Hizashi and picked him up by his shirt collar and held up his fist and said "what the fuck is going on? ill just do this the old way and beat the sh-" before he could finish a black blur kicked him in the face and made the red hair boy fly over to the other side of the road, Hizashi fell to his knees and rubbed his head and looked up to see Aizawa punching the orange haired boy and then looked at the crocodile kid backing away slowly while holding his hands up in surrender and then took off, Hizashi stood up and said "thank you for that." Aizawa looked at Hizashi with his usual board expiration shrugged and said "no problem." Hizashi's head started to hurt worse and he touched it lightly and whined as he did Aizawa asked "does it hurt?" Hizashi nodded but said "ill be fine, may i ask what are you doing here?" Aizawa said "i was following a kitten i saw outside my bedroom window." Hizashi looked at him for a minute and then smiled and asked "do you like cats?" Aizawa nodded and said with a faint smile "yes i do i love cats, what are you doing out this late?" Hizashi looked at the ground and said "i was getting some food." Aizawa nodded and Hizashi looked up and asked "do you want to come with me?" Aizawa was quiet but eventually shrugged and Hizashi smiled big and said "yahhHHHHH-." it turned into a yell but he was cut off by Aizawa cutting his quirk off and then he stopped and Hizashi chuckled and said "sorry." Aizawa waved his hand at him and turned around to town and started to walk to town Hizashi smiled big and chuckled again happy with how he made a friend now officially and how his friend basically saved his life he felt his chest tightened up and butterflies in his stomach and became confused with this why he felt this but before he could ponder more Aizawa looked over his shoulder to him and called to him "are you coming?" Hizashi erased what his was thinking from his mind and called back "coming!" and he raced up beside Aizawa and smiled big and Aizawa asked "what took so long?" Hizashi said "i was just thinking how amazing it is that i met you." Hizashi watched as Aizawa's cheeks got a light pink and Aizawa looked away and said "come on before it gets to late." Hizashi nodded and they walked to town as Hizashi rambled about school and music sometimes his quirk acted up and Aizawa had to use his to quiet him down but he didn't mind Hizashi was just happy.

as they arrived into town they looked around and Aizawa asked "how much money do you have?" Hizashi rubbed the back of his head and said "5 dollars and some change." Aizawa looked around and pointed to a restaurant and asked "how about that place?" Hizashi looked to wear he was pointing and said "but that place coast more then i have." Aizawa nodded and said "it fine i can pay." Hizashi went to say "BUT-" Aizawa cut him off by using his quirk and said "shut up, i got it." Hizashi winced and nodded and they walked into the restaurant and found a corner both and Aizawa choose the seat not facing the crowd and they told the waitress what drinks they wanted and once the drinks arrived Aizawa asked "why didn't you eat at home." Hizashi frowned and started fidgeting with his fingers and said "there wasn't any food left." Aizawa became curious and asked "did your mom or dad not cook." Hizashi started shifting in his seat and said with a fake smile "man our food is taking a while huh?" Aizawa just looked at him and Hizashi huffed knowing he will have to tell him because Shouta isn't backing down so he sighed and said "my mom is never home and my dad is a alcoholic." Hizashi didn't add the part how his dad beats him he didn't feel complete comfortable saying but Aizawa asked anyway "does he hit you?" Hizashi was taking back and quickly said "WHAT NO!"Aizawa looked at him in his blank expression but Hizashi could tell he was annoyed and serious but all Hizashi could do was nod even though he just met Shouta he feels like he can trust him completely so he admitted it. Aizawa nodded and asked "do you have any food for tomorrow?" Hizashi looked away and said "i doubt it." Aizawa nodded and pulled out his phone and held his hand out and said "hand me your phone." Hizashi complied and handed Shouta his phone and watched him type on them and then hand Hizashi his phone back and said "here, now we can text each other now." Hizashi held his phone to his chest and smiled big at him and then there food arrived and Hizashi dug in fast but before he finished he looked up to see Shouta eating slowly and neatly and Hizashi smiled at started doing the same thing and asked "where do you live?" Aizawa shrugged and said "not to far from here actually." Hizashi nodded and finished his food and so did Aizawa, Aizawa payed for the food Hizashi tried to pay for some of his but Aizawa wouldn't let him, when they got out of the restaurant Hizashi said "thank you for the dinner." Aizawa said "its no big deal." he was quiet then said "hey do you want me to walk with you home just in case." Hizashi smiled big and said "that would awesome." so they both walked in the direction of Hizashi's home with no issues Hizashi was nervous and kept a eye out for the guys from before but didn't see them at all, once they arrived at Hizashi's house he said "this is my house." Aizawa nodded and waved at him and said "ill see you at school tomorrow." Hizashi nodded and said "yes! thanks again." Aizawa nodded and ran to a lamp post and threw his scarf up and slung up on the roof tops and vanished Hizashi watched in amazement and said "so cool!" 

as he stepped inside with a smile but it was instantly gone by his dad looking out the window and asked in a slur "is that your boyfriend?" Hizashi shook his head and said "no he is just a friend from school." Hizashi's dad scoffed and made his was over to Hizashi and lifted him up by his throat and slammed his back on the wall and said "don't lie to me!" Hizashi choked out "i'm not i promise." his dad slammed him again and caused him to groan in pain and his dad said "you are the reason your whore of a mother is gone." Hizashi struggled to get free but couldn't and his vision was fading his dad said "its all your fault." and he let go of Hizashi and watched him fall to the ground and then said "i hate you." Hizashi became to cry but his Quirk was coming out and making his crying loud and his dad kicked him in the eye and said "shut the fuck up." Hizashi held his eye and mouth and ran upstairs to his room and locked his bedroom door and looked in the mirror at his eye it was already changing color and his neck was a bit black so he searched in his closet for a scarf and glasses he found a black scarf, he knew he would look odd with the scarf because it isn't cold outside but he didn't care then he found some white framed triangle classes that had orange lens he left them out and laid down in bed and cried silently until he feel asleep ready for tomorrow to come.

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