16. Understandings

Start from the beginning

This was all for her, I didn't love her anymore but endured everything in order for her to be happy. In the end, I found out that the father of the baby was my boss. When he found out that she was having his baby he went to her and she left me. My boss then fired me so I wouldn't be a part of their lives anymore. I did so much for her, for a baby that wasn't even mine. I didn't even love her anymore yet I kept helping, I let her use me even when she hurt me like that." He finishes with a sigh, closing his eyes and taking several deep breaths in and out.

You felt bad for him and hearing all of that made you feel scared. This happened to him later in life, meaning that it could posibily happen to you. But it also made you feel ungrateful since his pain was so much worse than yours. Nitori lets out a nervous chuckle to ease the tension.

"Sorry about that, I feel better now that it's off my chest. I'm not pressuring you to share anything, okay?" You shook your head, refusing to look up.

"How can you smile so brightly after that happened to you?" you asked genuinely. His eyes widen before they move to the table top.

"Well, if I frowned all the time I wouldn't get the chance to be happy again, would I? If I looked emotionless no one would want to talk to me, you probably wouldn't have come up to me either. I'd like to think that being optimistic gives me a chance to be happy again, by gaining happiness from smaller things," he explains. It confused you but even so, you felt obligated to share also.

"I want to tell you," you say suddenly. Nitori gave you his full attention, staying silent as he awaited your personal story.

"When you hear about an orphan, you usually wonder how they became one. With a lot of kids at the Orphanage the case is that their parents were in an accident and died but in my case... I am the accident.

It is true when people say that kids aren't for everyone, that's why there are couples without them. My parents were a couple who wanted a baby, but that's all that they wanted. As I grew up they found me less appealing, almost boring. On my sixth fifth birthday, they told me they would take me to the zoo so I could see all of the animals. We all got in the car and drove off, but the place we arrived at wasn't the zoo.

At this point, I hadn't even noticed all of my things had been packed up and put into bags and boxes in the back. And instead of the zoo, they dropped me off at the orphanage.

That was the last time I saw them, Haruka-san held my hand as we waved goodbye. The smiles on their faces were fake and I couldn't tell that they were never coming back, for all I knew they were going to the zoo without me.

All of the students at my school know that I'm an orphan and that usually wouldn't be a problem, they would normally feel sympathy for their loss. But when they found out that my parents didn't want me, they used it as a way to feel better about themselves. It hurt and it still does now but there's nothing I can do about it, even the teachers are in on it."

There was a moment of silence once you finished your story. Nitori's face harboured a small frown, it was odd to see since he was usually so happy. This new mood seemed almost out of character for him.

"I'm sorry that happened to you," he apologizes. You quickly shake your head, holding up your hands to stop him.

"Don't. Please don't. I don't want any sympathy." He seemed almost surprised by this.

"Then what do you want?" he asks, sounding genuinely curious. Avoiding his gaze, you place your hands on your cheeks to hide the faint pink blush.

"I-I just want to be accepted. I want people to like me for me and not treat me like I'm lower because of my family. Sympathy doesn't get you anywhere, if the kids in the orphanage all felt sorry for me then we wouldn't be so close. We have a mutual understanding of how sympathy doesn't help anything or anyone, accepting some one and understanding them is much more important than an empty apology and fake pout." Nitori gives a happy smile, his eyes closing as he lets out a long breath.

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