Chapter 0 - Prologue

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"I feel an unfamiliar sensation... it's unpleasant. It's horrid. I do not want to be experiencing this. No. NO. NO, PLEASE STOP! I CAN'T TAKE THIS!"

I felt my whole world crumble as the sky fell upon me. A burning town is all it takes to drive me away from my sanity. A burning world is all it takes for my fire of hope to extinguish. The reason why I am mentioning this? It's because I just witnessed a brutal mass murder of my people and the whole world by some demonic creatures that had come out of nowhere. They literally came swooping by, setting ablaze every single village and I was the lone survivor. I stared into blood-lusting eyes and they stared back. My soul felt like it was being sucked out of me like a vacuum. I began choking as I felt a strong force against my neck...

I shot up in the dead of the night, drenched in sweat. I let my eyes wander around the room. Room intact, check. Hard bed, check. Rags to cover me at night, also check. Can breathe? Well, if I couldn't then I wouldn't have been able to even wake up. It all felt too real. Especially those eyes. Those eyes, brimming with hatred. What the hell did they want from me? My family as well, I cannot let them perish... I want to save them. I need to save them. I cannot afford to lose them. No, I cannot! I absolutely CAN NOT! Maybe it really was just a dream. Perhaps it was just me being over-dramatic... but I just cannot shrug off the realism that I had felt from that dream. I should rest, I'm sure worrying about such a dream is what a coward would do, right? After a while, I managed to get back to sleep.

Everything is shaking! Earthquake?! I slowly open my eyes and see my mother standing over me waking me up. "Elvin, get up. Breakfast is going to get cold and you need to be ready!" Ah. My mother, always worrying. But wait, what? Ready for what again? "What do you mean mother, ready for what?" She looked at me in shock and disbelief. "How could you forget? Today it's your class ceremony, where our almighty goddess grants you your speciality. You should be grateful she allows you to take such an opportunity, you only get this chance once in a lifetime!" Oh, that's right! In this world called Mongroe, there exist specialities to help you get your job given by the goddess Lya herself. Well... many believe that. They believe that it is the goddess giving the specialities but there is no actual evidence to support it. Personally, I believe that they use ancient artifacts found in the abandoned civilizations of the Pwefem but whenever I try voice my thoughts, I get named a heretic. This led to me being bullied by many of my age in town, luckily for me I know every single area to avoid, so I'm not very likely to encounter my bullies.

"Alright, I'm coming down now." I told my mother as she rushed down the stairs to serve me a plate of a hard loaf of bread and a sludge-like soup. As I get dressed into my ragged trousers and my poorly-crafted robes, I hear a loud bang. I freeze still and feel my heart sink to the bottom of the world. I remember the dream and my fears could only grow. And grow. Grow further. and Further. Then I heard my mother again. "Ah, Elvin I accidentally dropped your breakfast, you might as well grab a loaf of bread and fill yourself up with that." With that, my heart decided to rise again, as my fears were proven wrong. This was going to be a long day. I rush downstairs and grab myself a loaf of bread from the counter and chow down on it. After 30 minutes or so, we decided to set off so we wouldn't be late. Off to the Eplon Minister we go.

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