Scan time!!!!!

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"Kelly bigbunshun" the nurse shouted me in to room 4. I strolled in, "how old are you kelly?"
"I'm 17"
"Fucking hell, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say that"
"It's ok"
She took some white jelly thing and rubbed it in to my growing pregnant belly. It was ice cold. "Shall we see how the baba is doing?"
"Yes please"
She took the scanner and placed it on the jelly a black and white picture appeared on the screen.
"Look, Oh there seems to be a enlarged head, that's nothing to worry about just fast growth"
"Okay" I replied. Jonny came into the room.
"OM fucking GOD is that our baby, Jesus  the size of its head"
"Jonny it's just fast growth"I said "look it's my fetus!" I was so proud to see this big headed baby on the screen.

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