Chapter 18

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Hello my lovelies!!!! Omgosh i cant believe i have 10.5k friggin reads! You all are awesome and i want to hug you all but sadly I cant so imanginary hug *HUG* hehe im weird but i love me!! okay so here is chapter 18. I hope you love it!!

Chapter 18

Renelias p.o.v

I looked over my shoulder again as I sat at the outdoor table with Elena, Caroline, and Allie.

"Renee chill. Okay. No one is gonna do anything in broad daylight!" Allie said sipping on a Starbucks coffee. I sighed rubbing the back of my neck.

"I know. I know im sorry." i said and took out my blue metal water bottle gulping down some of the blood in it. Yes i finally started drinking blood again. After that black flame I wanted to be strong enough for whoever was after me. Screw the innocent people ill feel guilty later. I want to protect my family. Allie looked at me skeptical but I gave her a look saying leave it alone. She took the hint and went back to talking to the girls. I tapped my gun on my hip just out of habit. Now let me tell you a bit about my gun. Its called the Metallic Gold. M.G for short. I had crafted it back in the 90s and it can kill any vampire werewolf, witch and if its pointed at a ghost then it vaporizes it to the other side. The bullets are made by my blood crafted from magic and they shine a blue color. To normal humans it looks like a glock 9 mil. I even have a fake permit for it just in case any cop wants to ask. I only bring it out if I feel as though there is danger like at the vervain bust. It sometimes makes me feel like I'm a cop hunting down drug dealers.

"So Renee, hows mister dark and demonic." Caroline said pulling me from my thoughts. I smiled and raised an eyebrow. Damon told me about what happened with her and him. She either hates him or just dislikes him. Either way I'm sure if the opportunity comes she's gonna put a stake in him for payback. Ill stop her but I cant blame her. He is a pain in the ass. But my pain in the ass.

"Damon is good. He is worried Im gonna get into some sort of trouble. Which I probably will but eh who cares." i shrugged joking. Caroline laughed. Allie also laughed and shook her knowing trouble followed me everywhere. She and I had stories to tell and some not to tell. Hey everyone has those stories. Elena just smiled and shook her head. Her and Stefen were so cute together. They seemed so in love. He deserved someone like her. Especially after Katherine. Bitch.

"What about you Elena. How is my teddy bear bro doing?" I asked laughing at his nickname.. She blushed slightly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Gosh I love her hair."oh someones blushing." i winked.

"He is good. We have been staying in my parents old cabin over the summer. I played a trick on him saying that the deed was in someone elses name so we would have to go back. The look on his face was priceless. But i giggled and he just gave me a glare." Elena laughed ignoring my statement. I laughed lightly imagining his look. Allie gave her a high five and we all laughed. We all made small talk and some times i would look over my shoulder but only saw people going on in their busy lives. Allie would scold me to chill out and I would roll my eyes. Elena and Catherine knew about the flame thing. Everyone knew, and we all were cautious. Dad and Mama were always together and Stefen hardly let Elena out of his sight but he knew with me she was safe. Damon was the same even though i was like 900 years older than him and was 300 times stronger than him he still was mister dominant and had to have a hand around my waist. Not that I was complaining though. Soon it was time to go and the girls grabbed their coffees and i gave a tip walking to my 1977 chevy ss unlocking it putting my mini frappe in the cup holster. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around my hand going to my gun but i relaxed as it was only Allie.

"Hey you wanna go with Caroline and Elena shopping?" Allie asked smilingg sadly at me. She knew I was stressed thats why she asked me out or I would be inside at home gathering info about how Mama was alive along with her. I knew I should relax but I couldn't so I nodded no.

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