Chapter Three

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*Chapter Three*

The first fight Ansel and Isabelle had as a couple was actually a month into their relationship, when Ansel bailed on coming to Isabelle's family dinner.. That she set up with her Mom and her new step Dad.

He basically was just so nervous of messing up that he stayed up in his room going through some panic attacks.

Isabelle called and called, but he never showed, and it worried her alittle so she jogged over to his house, meeting Mik on the couch and running to Ansels room.

There he was, cowered in a corner.

"What he hell Ansel?!" She exclaimed, raising her hands up.

"I can explain.."

"Phftt! No need now! If you were nervous about meeting my family cause you thought you'd make a bad impression, you have sure made your bed now!" She kept on screaming at him, and it didnt take long before they were throwing things at eachother, yelling and cursing (which was a rare occasion or Isabelle).

It took until Mik was standing in the doorway with his hand on his hip that their throwing and yelling war had stopped. Mik was un impressed, and Isabelle was very ashamed they let it get that far. Ansel however was still very upset, and it took an hour for him to speak to both Mik or Isabelle as they all cleaned up his room.

Isabelle had broken his frame of them that was above his bed, and she picked it up with shaky fingers when she realized what she did. But she felt better as soon as familiar arms were around her waist as she sat on the floor, and a head was In the crook of her neck, kissing her slightly.

"I'm sorry baby. I was just so nervous and I didn't want you to be mad or embarrassed of me in front of your parents.. I should have called.." He said, and that apology was all it took for Isabelle to press her lips onto his.

*After School*

After their last class, the two met by a big tree in the football field. It also happened to be the tree that led to Ansel & Mik's house. They talked for awhile, then entwined their hands and walked to his house.

Ansel and Isabelle rarely ever stayed over at Isabelle's. Mostly because it just didn't have the comfort like Ansels house did, and because Isabelle hated her new stepfather, Rob, who had been living with her and her mother for a month now.

Ansels house was a creamy colour on the outside, and inside was all wood floors and walls of cracked blue and grey paint. Or really ugly wallpaper.

There was only 2 bedrooms and 1 bath, all on one floor. The basement had cool stuff though, like old arcade games and computers and even a laundry room. Not that the laundry room was the cool thing.

Right now, Isabelle was cuddled up to Ansel's side as he cradled her, an arm around her shoulder. She could feel his heart beat through her ears, and it was times like this where she was glad she opened up to him.

Ansel shuffled his feet and moved Isabelle over, laying down and pulling her in. He liked to spoon her, it made him feel safe, at least that's what his excuse was. He mostly just loved to feel her, and be close with the one he loved.

"Ansel, can you change this?" Isabelle groaned, she was tired of watching the same old thing all the time, which was Ansel's favourite show, spongebob.

Ansel smiled but handed her the remote, he'd had already seen this episode a few times, and she changed it to the news.

Summer in Amsterdam couldn't be worse, besides those nice sunny days, and cool mornings.. But it couldn't be worse for storms. Terrible lightning and thunder, hail and beating rain that could take down trees with the wind, turning the power off for days.

The last time there was a storm, Ansel was driving in it, and he barely made it home safety. Isabelle was at his house, waiting for him. It scared her alot more than Ansel would like to admit.

The tv kept flashing red, and Isabelle and Ansel looked at eachother with angry and scared faces. It just had to ruin a perfect day.

They both sat up and told Mik, who was with his girlfriend and one of his bestfriends, and they all rounded up some water, food, candles, flashlights and batteries. They didn't know how bad the storm was, but they knew they had to prepare for the worst.

Mik grabbed some blankets, even though it was pretty warm in the basement.

"We don't have any AA batteries." Ansel groaned "I'll head out real quick okay?"

Isabelle suddenly felt sick. She remembered the last time it happened.

"Ill go with you." Mik said, grabbing his keys out of his pocket, Isabelle felt alittle better. They both headed up the stairs, leaving Isabelle with Rita and Harley.

Ansel and Mik were out driving, the rain pouring down, beating hard against the windows and the roof.

Mik's hands were shaky on the wheel, and he was being very cautious, mainly because he couldn't see anything around him, even if he had his lights on.

"Ansel I think we need to pull over." Mik said, clenching his teeth together. They stopped abruptly, thinking there was no other cars on the road.

But there was. There was one car with them, that came crashing into the passenger side of the car, bending the metal as it pierced.

Ansel's leg was pinned, and he screamed, his older brother already freaking out from beside him.

It happened slow, at first, but then it was quick, too quick. Their car flipped over, sending them into more screams of terror, Ansel felt his lungs screaming.

It stopped rolling when they were in a ditch, Mik could hear other people screaming, and trying to save both him and his brother.

But Ansel didn't hear, or see any of it.

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