Chapter One

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*Chapter one*

Ansel knew as soon as he met Isabelle that it was fate. In fact, he knew she was the reason he got out of bed to jog, because he never did any other day.

Maybe it was luck, but Ansel didn't know. He was just thankful a hell of a lot for meeting her.. Or bumping into her. He was a clutz, and actually full out ran into her, sending her flying into the bushes along the side of the road. She laughed it off though. And ever since that day, he's been getting up at the break of dawn to jog with her.

It was easy, they met at the same place they always did, where they first laid eyes on eachother.

Sometimes Isabelle would wait for Ansel, but he usually came running with a granola bar for the both of them, with a little smirk.

She didnt mind. In fact, she would wait for a long as it took just as long as he was gonna be there.

They were polite and put together at first, but as the weeks whent on that turned into months, they became into themselves, with alittle of the other person in them too. They'd even started slacking on jogging, sometimes they'd just go to Ansels house to play video games. But that was usually when the snow in December was crazy, and when Isabelle had growing cramps in her small little legs. Ansel would sweep her off of her feet and he would piggyback her to his house that he shared with his older brother.

And that's what Ansel did. Swept her off his feet from the moment they met.

She promised she wouldn't fall in love with him, but Ansel knew. Because he lied to himself too.

They walked into high school after Christmas break, hands entwined. They passed multiple groups of their different friends, and they stopped by her locker first, then his, pausing every time for a kiss. He would push her back gently to the blue locker, because he knew her back hurt sometimes, and he'd lean down to meet her eyes, that would always glisten just for him, and he would place his lips on hers. And as many times as he has kissed her, it always felt like the first time they had kissed. He couldn't get enough of that feeling. So he decides that he never would let it go.

"Well. I guess I will see you after math, right?" Isabelle sighed, standing in front of her math room. Academic. She was smart. Almost a little to smart.

"Course you will baby." He kissed her goodbye, walking away from her as she turned her heel into the class, finding a seat at the back beside a nerdy boy with a long face and pearly blonde hair.

She pulled out her notebook, that was all organized. A small blue note slipped out and she smiled, already knowing who it was from.

'Have a good day baby. Xx Ansel'

Sometimes she wondered if she even deserved him.

*Before she found the great love of her life*

Isabelle's mother always told Isabelle about love. Especially when she was just a young child, Isabelle would ask, and her Mother, Angey would gladly tell her. She told her about how it felt when you were in love, how you knew.. She told her about how Isabelle's Father, Jay, and her met.

But 2 years later, her parents had divorced, and Isabelle didn't believe in love anymore. In fact, when her mother told her the night her father left that love sometimes doesn't work, Isabelle had found herself not asking about it anymore, and she found herself hating it as she watched her Mother die inside.

And she changed. She was no longer a happy kid, in fact, by the time she was 13 she was the most miserable child on the face of the planet. -Hearing her Mother sob every night can do that to a child.

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