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After a long walk, I finally saw the Creamery. Michael, Alex, Luke, Calum, and Ashton were waiting in front of the door. "About time!" Ashton laughed. We got in line and looked at the endless flavors. I chose the famous Peachy Paterno. I pulled out my wallet but Calum moved my hand. "I'll pay." He smirked.

We walked outside and chose a table. Unfortunately there were only 5 seats. Everyone took a seat and I was left standing. Calum patted his lap. He could tell I was insecure. "C'mon!" He chuckled. I gave in and sat on his lap.

We talked about our ice cream flavors and music. Nobody seemed to bring up Luke's eye. Calum didn't seem to be angry at Luke anymore. Everyone was happy and got along. Even Alex and Michael. Alex was in the middle of a middle school story until Michael threw a bit of his cone at Luke. Luke thought it came from Ashton, so he threw a glob of ice cream at him. Michael screamed "FOOD FIGHT!" and everyone was throwing their cones at each other. Calum used me as a sheild. We were covered in bits of cone and warm ice cream.

The walk back was embarassing. We got dirty looks from everyone on campus. "Come here Alex! Give me a hug!" Michael laughed, embracing Alex. "Stop Michael!" She squealed. "Who else wants a hug?" Michael asked. We all sprinted down the street, avoiding Michael.

We went to Alex and I's dorms for a bit. The boys didn't stay long because they wanted to get the dry ice cream off of themselves. "See you guys tomorrow!" They said in unison. I waved and took a long shower. When I got out, I brushed my teeth and read.

I must have dozed off while I was reading because something tapping the window woke me up. I got up and saw Calum throwing rocks. Then I glaced at my clock. 1am. Then my phone buzzed. A text from Calum. *Meet me outside.* I did what I was told and met Calum outside.

He had his guitar and a blanket. Calum rolled out the blanket and sat down. He had on a beanie and a sweatshirt. "You're crazy." I whispered loudly. "I didn't have a chance to have you all to myself," He whispered back. "I also wanted to sing you a couple of songs." Then he started to play Ed Sheeran. I listened in awe. He was really good. I was mesmerized by his amazing voice. He finished and we both sat in silence for a little bit. I could only hear the sound of our breathing. Then Calum spoke up. "The sky is pretty." He exhaled. "Yea." I agreed. Then he sat up. "I better get going. It's almost 2:30." I got up and rolled up his blanket. Calum's eyelids were heavy. "I better see you at the gig." He chuckled. Then he kissed me. A long passionate kiss. He pulled away and smiled. "You will." Then he got into Ashton's beat up car and left me speachless. I was offically under his spell.

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