Red Teams Story"Halloween Horror.."

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It has been 1 week and the red team is back at there base it was a no fighting holiday so blus and reds were actually hangout with eachother. Everyone on both teams when to a large Auditorium and we're injoing talking to each other when out if the blue(no pun intended) marasmus Comes and Yells a challenge.

"DAY ONE OF HALLOWEEN LETS SEE IF YOU ARE ABLE TO PASS THIS CHALLENGE!!"But for some strange reason both teams laughed.

"We always beat your challenges what says we can't do it again."Engineer says while drinking beer. A smile forms on marasmus

"Oh I know you can beat all MY challenges but can you beat one of your own."he says as a spells forms in his hand.

Both teams were confused but then marasmus threw the spells at both scouts.both if there eyes when green and they fell to there knees. Everyone stares then they both stood up with green eyes and disappears then reappears beside marasmus while marasmus laughs.

"ATTACK MY PRECIOUS MINIONS!!"both Scouts noded and pulled out enchanted weapons.Both teams stares they couldn't hurt there friends even if they were going to hurt them. But both teams took out there wepons and began fighting........

A few hours later.....

Both Scouts were still fighting hard so was the other team the medic manage to make a cure but the promblem was they had to hold them down to get it injected into them properly. so while the Scouts were distracted with fighting the soilders the heavys comes up behind them and grab there arms making them forced to not move. They then push them to the ground were others joined in at holding them down. The Medics with shaking hands comes up grabs their necks and injects it into them. there eyes flashed quickly from Green to Blu after a few seconds it stops on Blu. everyone let's them go and helps them up. Then marasmus appears and just before leaving says."GET READY FOR NEXT TIME TEAM FORTRESS!!" The scouts were forced to there medics medbay and was forced down and drugged the last thing they saw were the worried looks on their fellow teammates faces.

((I'm sorry it's almost Halloween I had to😋))

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