Red Teams Story "Spy..."

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Everyone woke up to sounds of a emergency alarm. Everyone quickly got dressed and rushed to the Lockers. Scout grabbed his wepons and looked at everyone else, they were all tired looking like they haven't slept in a while. That's when the doors open and everyone rushed out.

Everyone flooded back into the locker room cheering for there victory. Scout puts his wepons up and looks around he decided that is was best to leave and go sleep. That didn't happen because before he could leave the locker room a Blu Spy grab him and made him face his team with something on his throat. Scout honestly didn't know what happened his eyes were closed,all he could feel was the cold metal on his throat. Scout opened his eyes and everyone was staring,all there wepons were on the floor.

That's when the Blu Spy said"I let him go if you give me your intelligence"

"But the rounds over.."Engineer said.

"It's never really over it just usually starts when everyone is awake but we can still take it."The Blu soys says put it closer to his neck.

Scout closes his eyes and lightly Whimpers.He knew the team was concern when he felt that warm liquid slowly sliding down his neck.

"O-okay just let him go."Spy says trying not to anger him anymore.

"d-dont.."Scout weakly says.

"SHUT UP!"The Blu Spy hits him in the stomach making scout whimper loudly.

"STOP!"That voice was like a savior to the red team as they heard the administrator tell the spy to stop. He drops scout and leaves while invisible.Meanwhile scout had been Knocked out.

Scout lightly wakes up. he feels a bright light in his eyes and lightly moans.

"Ahh your avake scout. He hears medic voice seem to ring in his ears.

"Yeah . . . I guess" Scout says pushing the light out of his eyes.

"Vill let me go tell zhe team your awake."Medic says rushing out of the room and talking to the team who was anxiously waiting outside.

Scout sees most of his team rush in and sighs.

"Scout!" he hears pyro muffle while hugging him.

"Heh hey pal.."he says hugging the pyro back.

"Looks like your okay mate.."He hears Snipers voice.

"I guess so I mean I don't know what happened do.."scout says doing a high five with pyro.

"Vill a spy came and zhreatened youl vith za knife and youl pass out."Medic says checking Scouts vitals.

"That explains why I have a small feeling to hit a spy."He says yawning.

"Vill youl not hitting anyvne."he hears medic says as he feels his skin get pierced by a needle with drugs to make him sleep.

"Man"Scouts says as everything goes black.

Sorry this was short I'll make it up next time......

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