Chapter XXI

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"Let's move on to the next one."

Instead of scolding Yuu for his pessimism, Kumo sighed. ...Any idea who that might be?

"You met them a few days ago." After some time of silence, Yuu continued, "Poor little Souta, remember?"

Ah, him. Can't say I remember where he lives.

"I've got us covered in that department." A smile infiltrated past his glum expression when he heard Kumo chuckle. "Besides, this town's small. It won't take long."

If you say so. But make sure you say everything you need to, okay? We can't afford to have finished business.

"I... I know," he said with a nod. "It's gonna be hard, but I think I can do it."

With that, they set off to their next target, the weakling of the bunch. They trekked up streets and past houses. Only crickets dared to cheer as they headed for their next destination.

If Kumo had a heart, he swore it would have raced with every step. I think we messed up with Taka. What if we say something wrong this time? What if we make his dreams worse? Worrisome thoughts swirled in their head.

"It'll be fine," Kuu reassured, "I'll make sure Souta and the others have a decent rest when I'm done with them."

Hearing you say it like that doesn't make me feel better.

Kuu hummed as a street lamp's glow watched over him. "Don't trust me yet? Even though we're close enough to share mind and body?"

Of course I trust you by now. He made Kuu bite his lip for a moment. Just pulling―

A foul stench cut off his train of thought. Earth mingling with dried blood pulled his gaze to the source. As usual, dark smoke travelled out someone's window. Artificial moonlight glinted in the fog, along with long, shallow breaths.

Kuu stared at the nightmare fuel, then shifted his gaze to the house it rose from. Bleak tan walls paired with rusted roof tiles, just as Kuu remembered. Guilt twinged in their chest. The man had suffered long enough.

Before their resolution could waver, Kuu stomped through Souta's gate and door.

Goosebumps threatened to trace Kuu's skin. Kumo still wasn't used to Yuu's spectral abilities, evident by the way he cringed once they were inside. He had no choice but to grin and bear it. Yuu probably wasn't enjoying seeing what dreams looked like to a baku either, or how their stomach clawed and growled for the meal within reach. Alas, Kuu didn't come to dine and dash. There were more important tasks to take care of.

He adjusted his sleeves, huffing, before creeping up the steps blindly.

This nightmare, much like Taka's, was a fickle little rascal. It tugged on his clothes, caressed his face and pushed him forward one second, then forced him spiraling backwards the next. It was playing tug-of-war by itself, with Kuu being the battered rope struggling to
stay together.

Kuu clung to the wooden railing for life support. He squinted past the dark to catch a glimpse of a closed door. He was close, but of course the nightmare decided to get in his way.
"Enough of this."

He dug in his pocket. Once his fingers found the pulsating straw, he yanked it out and held it up.

"I'm really not in the mood to be playing around, Miss," Kuu warned.

The darkness' movements stilled. It took everything in Kuu's power to contain his smile while it waited to see what he'd do next. Perfect. Now to keep it up!

He cleared his throat. "Give me a break, would you? I can't have the Lady catching wind of the mess you almost caused."

The smoke flared at the utterance of the cold goddess' name. It rubbed against Kuu's legs before slithering back under the door.

He tightened his grip on his straw, eyes locked on the nightmare's fumes. The air cleared. If Suna were here, this would've had a far different outcome, he thought, her coffin nestled in the woods coming to mind.

But, that wasn't the case anymore. He had no choice but to accept that. Despite grief clutching his lungs and holding his words hostage, Kuu still managed to breathe another sigh. Things couldn't continue like this. There was no way in hell he'd let his feelings overwhelm them both at such a time.

After slapping his cheeks, Kuu slipped inside Souta's room. It had the same neatness as before. Hint of lavender lingered in the air and tickled his nose.

Kuu smiled as he walked to the man's bedside. Soon he wouldn't need to use incenses in hopes of a good night rest. He leaned on the man's bed frame, placing a hand on Souta's forehead.

He was drenched in sweat, his hold on the comforter tight. Black eyebags showed how much of a hard time he had sleeping on his own. Guilt clawed at Kuu's gut. What they did should've been in the past, not haunting them in the present. Even though Yuu decided to forgive them, their minds wouldn't be at ease for awhile, it seemed. What a pity. No, they started this mess. It was time to fix it, and they had no seconds left to spare fretting over spilled milk.

Kuu took a deep breath, then dove into Souta's nightmare.

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