Chapter 8

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  Everyone in the kingdom was happy, except perhaps Queen Year because she was still not sure of Sunshine's and Blossom's marriage. Even if she wanted to separate them from their husbands it was already too late. Sunshine and Zephyr, as well as Blossom and Breeze, found the flowers of birth,both couples got girls-Sunny and Rosa.

  The princesses were becoming more and more beautiful each day and the prince grew stronger over time. However, he will someday become a brave prince who will to help people. They met every day even though they lived in separate castles.

  On the beach where Zephyr and Sunshine met, a small garden with various summer flowers was built. In addition to Susan's castle, a lake named "Rain Lake" was built, besides the Ice Castle a Ice Garden was built (similar to Sunshine's, but without flowers), and the flower garden near Flower Castle was filled with snowdrops and violets,in which swallows were nesting and every spring returned to the same nest.

  We leave the princesses to enjoy with their husbands, children and pets in their lives filled with happiness while we return to the real world, the world of rush. We are leaving the world where time stopped, a world that nobody knows for. We could only deal with the heat of Sunshine, Snowhite's coldness, Susan's rain and to enjoy Blossom's spring. And so, by writing the last words of this story, I realize that people can not do anything against nature, against the seasons. Also, I realize that it is better to have somebody next to you who will help you to overcome all obstacles in life.

Suzana Ristic Suza,
1/26/2017 11:06 AM
original written on 5-12 February 2009

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